
Qualcomm Says First 5G Smartphones Will Be Launched During the Year

According to foreign media reports, Durga Malladi, senior vice president of Qualcomm, said in an interview that the first batch of 5G smart phones will be launched this year, not 2019.

He said that although most operators and equipment manufacturers plan to launch 5G mobile phones next year, some ambitious players will be the first to introduce 5G-compliant smartphones later this year, offering twice or four times the 4G LTE speed. The data transmission speed of the device.

"Actually, some operators have already launched (pioneering) 5G services, and plan to commercialize them later this year. We will do our best to help them," said Marady.

Right now, operators are determining the speed of support for early 5G devices. Marradi said: "Operators believe that they can support the speed of 1 to 4.5 Gbps, depending on the broadband they use. In addition, operators generally want to start from 2 or 4 Gbps, is the latest 4G LTE technology peak Two to four times, "Qualcomm said earlier, when 5G is not available, LTE will serve as a backup network, providing about 1GB of speed.

The 5G speed is expected to surprise users, especially in downtown areas. Based on tests in cities such as San Francisco, "about 50% of users get a speed of about 1.4GB/sec, which will change the way you do things," said Marady.

He said that when the user's laptop or tablet has such a speed, "your consumption will change significantly." He pointed out that providing such a speed for mobile and portable devices, providing homes for desktops and televisions The engineering challenge of fixing 5G broadband services is simpler.

Qualcomm said in January this year that it plans to display its first 5G mobile phone at the CES Consumer Electronics Show next year. However, due to pressure from operators and equipment manufacturers, this timetable has been advanced several months.



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