
NVIDIA determines the focus of future development: game + artificial intelligence

As a world-renowned graphics card manufacturer, Nvidia recently released its second quarter financial report for FY 2019. The report now shows that compared with the same period last year, the company's sales performance has increased by 40%, has reached 3.12 billion US dollars, net income increased by 89%. %, reaching $1.1 billion, Nvidia's market value of $1.76 per share also exceeded Wall Street experts' valuation of $1.66, an increase of 91% compared to last year.

From the database, game industry, graphics graphics and automotive departments, the company's sales have broken new records, among which the database and game industry accounted for the most important position in these major business units, which is also in line with the company's development. It is expected that in the second quarter, database revenue will increase by 83% in one year and currently account for 24% of total revenue, up from 10.5% two years ago. In this regard, NVIDIA's CFO Colette Kress emphasized that the artificial intelligence AI reasoning system, This technology, which helps AI servers complete voice and image recognition services, has made an outstanding contribution to the department.

She said that NVIDIA will continue to develop the AI ​​reasoning system and expand its database market, and mentioned that the company's recent new AI reasoning software (TensorRT 4) released in the second quarter will help NVIDIA solve the deep learning reasoning workload problem. The CPU can provide up to 190 times the acceleration performance. CEO Huang Renxun also said that NVI has been exploring AI reasoning technology for many years. In the database, AI reasoning software will open up a broader market, although it is not in the NVIDIA database. The biggest business, but its growth potential is huge, and the growth rate will be very fast.

This TensorRT AI inference system can be used to quickly optimize, validate and deploy trained neural networks in hyperscale databases, embedded and automotive GPU platforms, common in computer vision, neural network machine translation, automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, etc. In application, it can greatly speed up the reasoning of deep learning and reduce the cost of data centers. NVIDIA's leadership team also believes that the total valuation of the business in the market will reach 50 billion US dollars in the future.

The game division accounted for 58% of Nvidia's total revenue. So far, game revenue is the most important performance driver for Nvidia. In the second quarter, the company's game revenue increased by 52% year-on-year. NVIDIA management team said that the reason for the increase in revenue On the one hand, because many schools have strong demand for high-end computer equipment, and on the other hand, they are caused by the fast-growing game market, including notebooks, desktops and game consoles, and the market will continue to be active in the short term. The audience of e-sports games is currently close to 400 million, an increase of 18% compared to the same period last year. The popular games like Fortnite "Fortress Night" have made great contributions.

Kress also mentioned that NVIDIA's recently announced Turing architecture will take the gaming industry to a new level, and said that the Turing architecture is the most important innovation of NVIDIA since the release of CUDA GPU. This new GPU architecture will become The cornerstone of future company development, and CEO Huang Renxun's original words are as follows: "Turing architecture is a re-innovation of computer graphics, this is the first to use ray tracing technology in the environment, create real shadow reflection effect and achieve regional lighting, omnidirectional illumination And GPUs for regional lighting modeling, and these built images will be very refined."

For many years, Nvidia has been in the leading position of graphics processors. The company’s second-quarter sales performance has also led the NVIDIA to stand in the spotlight with the release of the Turing architecture, but even in the face of such strong second-quarter results. NVIDIA still maintains a cautious development attitude, saying that the expected development target for the third quarter should be flat at around 2% floating point, reaching $3.25 billion in revenue, while Wall Street's forecast for NVIDIA in the third quarter is $3.24 billion.

Kress also mentioned that his earnings expectations did not include the bitcoin-induced mining market, but Huang Renxun mentioned that virtual currency has a great impact on the development of NVIDIA's GPU business. He mentioned: "At the beginning of this year, we thought Bitcoin mine The machine market will contribute a lot to the GPU business in the years to come, but now we find that the development potential of this business is not ideal." In general, NVIDIA's future development momentum will continue to rise in the near future, its game in the game. The position of industry and database is almost unmovable. In addition, the company's recently announced Turing architecture graphics card will become a key factor in its market competitiveness.

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