
Apple's new machine output is expected to fall by 20%

According to the British "Daily Mail" report, consumers seem to no longer compete to buy new Apple machines. Japan’s “Nikkei News” quoted industry sources on Friday as saying that Apple expects to launch only 80 million mobile phones this year, a 20% reduction from the same period last year.

According to the report, the headquarters of Apple Inc. in California, California, requires suppliers to reduce the production of three new iPhone parts by 20% in the second half of 2018. After the report was released, the share price of Apple and its suppliers fell, and as of last Friday morning, the company's stock price fell 1.6 percentage points. The report exacerbated concerns that consumers’ enthusiasm for the new smartphone may be declining, leading to a drop in the share price of Apple and its major suppliers, and also putting pressure on global stock markets.

James Caldwell, a stock analyst at Atlantic Securities, said that last year Apple may have been too optimistic about the prospects of its new phone, leading to an oversupply of Apple's inventory in the first half of this year.

The report shows that the company's share price dropped by as much as 2%, while the share prices of suppliers AMS and Dialog Semi fell 6% and 4.1% respectively. US suppliers AMD, Micron Technology, Intel, Broadcom and Qualcomm all fell 1% - 4%.

Many analysts said that the high price of the iPhone X also restrained the market's demand for its flagship products.

According to industry sources in the Nikkei Asia Review, the total output of Apple’s three new models this year may be reduced by 20% from last year.

According to a number of media reports, Guo Mingqi, the chief analyst of Apple, said earlier this week that the new Apple machines listed later this year will have a price cut of 300 US dollars (equivalent to about 1922 yuan).

Atlantic Securities's Caldwell said that as the iPhone's annual improvements have become increasingly insignificant, the performance of older phones is also very good, so consumers are not motivated to purchase the latest phones.

More news:Tenco



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