
The youngest partner cut the server cable and returned to normal within 26 seconds.

Want to cut the cable not to check Checklater? I am afraid that this idea will be lost.

At the ATEC main forum of Hangzhou Yunqi Conference, Ant Financial deputy CTO Hu Xi simulated the four cables of the Alipay server.

After only 26 seconds, Alipay in the simulated environment was completely restored, and user funds and data 0 were lost. The second-level self-healing relies on a city-level fault automatic disaster recovery system.

Hu Xi announced that Ant Financial's financial technology is officially fully open, providing complete digital financial solutions for the industry, including core technologies and solutions including disaster recovery systems, such as financial security and blockchain. The partner is open.


The new ability of "three centers and five centers"

It is understood that Alipay has also done the same test on the booth before, cutting 4 cables, but it took 1 second faster. In the same environment, it took 25 seconds to return to normal.

Throughout the process, the audience can log into a virtual account by scanning the code to experience.

This is a small program that Alipay does for the demonstration. After the user logs in, the virtual account name will be automatically assigned. The account contains 1 million virtual funds and the name of the computer room.

Users can also implement virtual transfers through small programs.

Subsequently, the staff of the on-site connection, at the prompt of Hu Xi, cut off the server cable.

Within about 20 seconds after the two computer rooms are disconnected from the network, the account page shows that the system is abnormal. At this time, if the user is assigned to the Hangzhou computer room, or is transferring money to the account of the Hangzhou computer room, the prompt "Test account disaster recovery switching" will appear. .

After 26 seconds, the test user can smoothly transfer the simulation, but the computer room will be assigned to other areas.

Such a computer room structure is called “three places and five centers”, that is, five machine rooms are deployed in three cities. Once one or two of the machine rooms fail, Alipay's underlying technology system will switch all the traffic in the faulty city to the normal operating room. And can achieve consistent data and achieve zero loss.

"In the real environment, if Alipay has problems in two computer rooms in two cities at the same time, the speed of the Alipay account running on these two computer rooms will return to normal at the minute level." Hu Xi explained.

Previously, Zinc Finance introduced in the case of Nanjing Bank's technology upgrade, the traditional two-center three-center deployment structure used by banks and financial institutions, that is, two computer rooms in one city and one cold standby machine room in another.

"Just like you bought two houses in your house, a house has lived for a long time, and another house has not lived. You can take a look at it regularly. If your time rhythm is one month or half a year, the family has a New guests, you still need to clean and solve the hydropower problem, in order to give the guests a living." Hu Xi said, once, banks and financial institutions are difficult to switch to the cold standby machine room, second, the cold standby machine room also needs to have the corresponding load Ability, but usually it is empty, the cost is relatively large.

The computer room structure of the “three centers and five centers” is exactly what banks and financial institutions urgently need.

“Chimney type” is an analogy to the core system provided by traditional IT companies. When the business volume comes up, the bank can only switch to a higher minicomputer. When the production capacity increases, the chimney of the factory will increase.

In the past, the traditional architecture was to replace these boxes with larger ones, while the distributed architecture only needed to add the same size of the box.

"The biggest problem is this kind of architecture. All the key capabilities are in the black box, which is uncontrollable." Hu Xi believes that there is a problem in the previous machine room, which is crazy for the technical team, and does not know the inside. The situation can only be seen by people who are waiting for IOE to check and adjust.

In the same year, Ali also encountered the same problem, the group went to the "IOE", and later Aliyun.

In addition to the "three centers and five centers", Hu Xi and Ant Financial also opened up more capabilities.


From 2C to 2B, 100% self-operated business is open

"Tmall double reached a record of 256,000 pennies per second, creating a world record", "two machine rooms are faulty and can also be restored in seconds", "Intelligent risk control system makes the loss rate as low as 10 million points 5", "The world's first blockchain cross-border remittance", "the world's first commercial brush face payment"...

These seemingly valuable solutions are now available, and now Alipay and Ant Financial want to open them all.

"This release is a big summary of our continuous exploration and exploration between 2015 and 2018." Hu Xi said in reviewing Ant Financial and Alipay's open road.

At the beginning of its establishment in 2004, Alipay focused on using technology to solve practical problems, cultivate internal strength, and prepare for opening up.

Beginning in 2015, Ant Financial proposed the Internet Propulsion Program and released the Ant Financial Cloud. The principle is “mature, open one”, and the mature technology will be accelerated to open to partners and enter the 2.0 era.

In September 2017, Ant Financial Chairman and CEO Jing Xiandong announced at the Ali Investors Conference that Ant Financial has achieved 100% open self-operated business.

The opening of ant financial technology means that Ant Financial has entered the 3.0 era: Alipay has continued its BASIC strategy, established and established a system, and realized commercialization of technology.

Ideno also announced that Ant Financial is opening up the financial capabilities represented by BASIC (blockchain, artificial intelligence, security, Internet of Things, cloud computing).

At the same time, he announced two open plans: Alipay's small program ecological development plan and ant blockchain cooperation plan.

Ant Financial will set up the STS (Shoulder To Shoulder) Alipay Technology Innovation Fund, investing 1 billion yuan in three years to support technological innovation including small programs; and BaaS blockchain platform partners include PwC and Tsinghua Cloud, Accenture, Standard Chartered Bank, Nono Net.

It is understood that Ant Financial's opening is divided into three levels: business opening, capacity opening and technology opening.

The underlying technology is open, including blockchain, financial distributed architecture, mobile development, etc.

The ability of the middle level is open, including small procedures, life numbers, real-name nuclear capabilities, and credit capabilities;

The top-level business is open, including Yu Ebao Open, Borrow Open, Checklater Open, Ant Fortune Platform.

According to the official website of Ant Financial Technology, there are hundreds of technical menus open to the whole world, including financial security technology, massive financial transaction technology, financial risk control technology, etc.; industry solutions include digital banking solutions and digital insurance solutions. Program, etc.

“Technology is very simple. How do you work with more partners to help solve technical IT problems? This is a relatively common commercialization method; the intermediate capability layer is also relatively mature. How do you use each platform today? Capability interface, Alipay has a set of mature business rules; the top level, often with financial institutions, or with other agencies, biased towards business rules, such as what rules like Yu Ebao, what kind of checklater Rules, there are business rules in it, and commercialization is based on these rules.” Hu Xi explained how commercialization can be achieved when Ant Financial is open to three different capabilities.

Good technical means, naturally need a reasonable business cooperation model to cooperate, open ecology, in order to run faster.

Hu Xi defines Ant Financial's technological ability as "Technology for Good", and he uses the "Alipay version of the Qingming Riverside Map" to show his digital Chinese picture: in the misty forest, several teenagers get up early Collecting green energy; the streets along the river are already noisy, among the pedestrians coming and going, there are small merchants with blue QR codes to do business, there are gentry in the restaurant to eat, and there is a risk of use. The bureaucracy of the brain "breaking the case", the water will flow, the people are moving...

From the opening of 2C to 2B, I believe that the advancement of digital China will be more rapid.



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