
[electronic] infrared sound

The basic principle of the production is that the sound causes infrared (laser) vibration, and then the laser is applied to the infrared receiving diode of the receiving circuit to receive the vibration signal, and the signal is demodulated to achieve sound reduction.

The popular way is to use the sound to make the infrared (laser) shine and extinguish, then the light is received on the infrared receiving diode of the receiving circuit, detecting whether the infrared (laser) is on or off, the light is on, and the power is off when not lit.
Use the IC (LM386) to amplify this signal and push the speaker to sound.

The circuit diagram is as follows:

Transmitter circuit diagram:

Receiver circuit diagram is as follows:

The possibility of soldering is different from that in the circuit diagram. It is just that I added the LED indicator.

The following is a finished drawing of my welding transmitter:

The following is the finished circuit of the receiving end:


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