
ST ToF sensor extends FlightSense detection range to 4m

FlightSense sensors directly measure distance to the object based on the time for emitted photons to be reflected, enabling accurate distance-ranging regardless of the object’s surface characteristics.

Thev VL53L1X is suitable for mobile robotics for wall following, cliff detection, collision avoidance and hover/landing assistance for drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The power-saving presence-detection mode enables  auto-sleep/wake-on-approach use cases for PCs, notebooks and IoT devices, in addition to camera auto-focus assist, and gesture recognition.

Further applications include washroom automation in toilets, faucets or soap dispensers, and package counting to aid inventory management in vending machines or smart-shelf systems.

The VL53L1X measures 4.9mm x 2.5mm x 1.56mm. It is pin-compatible with its predecessor, the VL53L0X.

The package contains the laser driver and emitter as well as the Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) light receiver.

Furthermore, the 940nm emitter, operating in the non-visible spectrum, eliminates distracting light emission and can be hidden behind a protective window without impairing measurement performance.

Source from: electronics weekly



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