
The code is also Zen! AMD graphics card comeback: soaring frequency

AMD Ryzen processor kills the Quartet, unlimited scenery, forcing Intel to have to fully accelerate, but on the other hand, AMD graphics card is in awkward position, can not afford a competitive product.

As a result, NVIDIA has made it easier to enter the emerging fields of artificial intelligence, unmanned driving, etc., and it is still in the hands of the graphics card market. It even came up with the GPP's "malicious" project that excludes its adversaries.

So, where is the future of AMD graphics cards?
Raja Koduri, the boss of AMD's RTG graphics technology division, has resigned to Intel, but in fact AMD has already prepared.

According to the news, around the middle of last October, AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su began to reorganize the RTG Business Unit. On the one hand, he hired David Wang and Mike Rayfiled, both of whom were in the graphics industry, to take charge of the technical development and daily operations of the entire business division. Large-scale restructuring was carried out.
And this time, Dr. Lisa Su will personally direct the entire graphics team.

Given that the current road map cannot meet the competition needs, AMD has set up a new GPU R&D team. Specifically, it has transferred a lot of engineers from the Zen CPU R&D team and started to develop a new architecture. It is said that it will completely leave the GCN architecture that has been used for many years.
The new architecture focuses on two aspects. One is to significantly increase the frequency to bring high performance, and the second is to reduce power consumption and improve energy efficiency.
The new project has not yet been named, but insiders call it "Project Zen," and it seems that it is like Zen CPU to be as successful as once again.
But since it is a brand-new product, it will take time. Maybe it will be 2019 or even 2020. Of course, the process will definitely be 7nm.

Source from: TENCO



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