
How important is the sensor to the robot?

Today's robots possess a sensitive figure, amazing intelligence, and fully automated operation. All of these are similar to human body and sensory functions.

The sensor is like a human's sensory organ, and it is the robot's perception of the world. The robot's perception of the external environment such as vision, force, touch, smell, and taste is transmitted by the sensor.

In addition, the sensor can also be used to detect the robot's own working status, as well as the robot's intelligent detection of the external working environment and object status, and can be converted into a device that can use the output signal according to a certain rule. Various sensors are installed in the robot body structure, which will bring them higher sensitivity.

Well, let's imagine: how much damage to the robot will be caused by losing the sensor?

Robot sensors can be divided into internal sensors and external sensors depending on the detection object.

The internal sensor is mainly used to detect the status of the robot's internal systems, such as the position, speed, acceleration temperature, motor speed, motor load, and battery voltage of each joint, and sends the measured information as feedback information to the controller. Closed-loop control.

The external sensor is used to obtain information about the robot's working objects and the external environment. It is an information channel for the robot to interact with the surroundings and is used to perform sensors such as vision, proximity, touch, and force sense, such as distance measurement and sound. , light and so on.

Slide sensors, force sensors, distance sensors, tactile sensors, proximity sensors, speed and acceleration sensors, vision sensors, and acoustic sensors are very important for robots. It is hard to imagine how the robot would exist without them.

Slide sensor

The sliding sensor is mainly a sensor for detecting the degree of slip between the robot and the gripping object. In order to determine an appropriate grip force value when gripping an object, it is necessary to detect the relative sliding of the contact surface in real time, then determine the grip force, and gradually increase the strength without damaging the object. The glide detection function is necessary to achieve a flexible grip of the robot. condition.

Force sensor

The force sensor is a sensor for detecting the interaction force between the robot's own force and the external environmental force. Force sensors are often installed at the joints of robots and indirectly measure the force by detecting the deformation of the elastomer. The force sensor mounted on the joints of the robot often appears in a fixed three-coordinate format, which is conducive to meeting the requirements of the control system.

distance sensor

Distance sensors used in smart mobile robots include laser rangefinders (including measurable angles), sonar sensors, etc. Lidar sensors developed in recent years are currently the more mainstream ones and can be used for robot navigation and obstacle avoidance.

Touch sensor

The tactile sensor is mainly used in a robot to simulate a tactile function. Tactile sensation is an important sensory function when a person is in direct contact with the external environment. Developing a tactile sensor that meets the requirements is one of the key technologies in robot development.

Proximity sensor

The proximity sensor is located between the tactile sensor and the vision sensor, can measure distance and orientation, and can fuse vision and touch sensor information. The proximity sensor can assist the function of the visual system to determine the orientation and shape of the target object and identify the surface shape thereof.

Speed ​​and acceleration sensors

Speed ​​sensors have two types of translational and rotational speeds, but in most cases they are limited to measuring the speed of rotation. Using the derivative of the displacement, especially the photoelectric method, let the light irradiate the rotating disk, detect the rotation frequency and the number of pulses to obtain the rotation angle, and use the disk to make a gap, and distinguish the angular velocity through two photodiodes, ie, the rotation speed. This is the photoelectric pulse speed sensor.

Vision sensor

Machine vision is a system that enables the robot to have a sensing function. It acquires images through visual sensors and analyzes them, allowing the robot to recognize objects, measure and judge instead of human eyes, and achieve positioning and other functions.

Sound sensor

The sound sensor acts as a microphone (microphone). It is used to receive sound waves and show vibrational images of the sound. However, the intensity of noise cannot be measured. Acoustic sensors are mainly used to sense and interpret sound waves in gas (non-contact sensations), liquids or solids (contact sensations).

In order for robots to be as human-like, the robot's five sensory sensors are indispensable. From the perspective of anthropomorphic functions, vision, force, and touch have entered practical stages, but sensory sensors such as auditory, sense of smell, taste, and glide are still under study.

More attention:Tenco



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