
U.S. plans to impose visa restrictions on Chinese high-tech and manufacturing students

The US State Department said on Tuesday (29th) that the Trump administration plans to shorten the validity of certain visas issued to Chinese citizens. The report stated that Trump is trying hard to crack down on Beijing involved in "theft of US intellectual property rights."

The U.S. State Department stated that the visa application process itself will not change. However, according to the new policy, US consular officials may restrict the validity of visas, and do not relax the deadline as much as usual. The relevant changes will take effect on June 11.

The US Department of State did not provide specific details. However, a U.S. official said that according to instructions received by the U.S. Embassy and Consulate, if Chinese graduate students study in the areas of robotics, aviation, and high-tech manufacturing, their visa validity will be limited to one year. According to reports, these areas of research are listed by China as the focus of the "Made in China 2025" program.

In addition, according to the directive, if Chinese citizens serve as researchers or managers in an entity within the special scrutiny list of the US Department of Commerce, they will need special permission from multiple U.S. agencies. The official said that in the visa application, these licenses are expected to take several months.

The report stated that Trump had foreshadowed these changes in the national security strategy document issued in December. The document said that the United States will review and tighten visa procedures to "reduce economic theft by non-traditional intelligence collectors." The document specifically mentions visas that may restrict foreign students from studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics.




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