
In Netflix's algorithmic world, film critics and five-star scoring have become redundant.

Last month's biggest shock in Hollywood was Netflix, a $160 billion streaming media giant, who surpassed the $158 billion Disney at the time and became the real king of entertainment. The battle between Silicon Valley Technology and traditional Hollywood. Small and medium wins.

Netflix has nearly 130 million global subscribers. It not only uses "algorithms" to create content, but also uses "algorithms" to keep users at home and watch content on their own platforms one by one. This has been a tradition for cinema lines. The distribution channel has had a fatal impact.

The life of the release is not enough, Netflix also has to change the life of the opinion leader - the user's subjective comment is not important!

In the past few years, the Internet company has had a premeditated, planned, and step-by-step weakening of "subjective reviews." At the end of this summer, Netflix will completely abandon the "user reviews" feature.

What is the logic behind Netflix's move? How does it affect the future trend of Internet content?

Replace “Five Stars” with “Yes/No Votes”

Initially, the user evaluation system on Netflix was divided into two categories, namely, “Popular Review APP” and “Douban Movie”, which are familiar to us: “Five Stars” and “User Film Review”.

“Five-Star Rating”: The audience uses five stars to rate TV shows or movies;

"User Critics": After viewing the content, viewers can write subjective comments of 80-1999 characters.

In April last year, Netflix replaced the "five-star scoring" system with a simpler and more rude "thumbth up/down" like system.

The user's judgment of the content is only "thumbs up - good" or "thumb down - bad".

Netflix says the product's inspiration is matched by the left and right sliding algorithms on the dating site. The product manager believes that a percentage-based evaluation system can provide viewers with a more effective selection reference.

This change brings two practical benefits:

First, the fuzzy area of ​​user evaluation is removed, making algorithm learning more efficient:

In order to highlight their own viewing quality, some users have "three stars" for their favorite works. The meaning of these is ambiguous to humans, and the machine learning is less efficient. The "black" or "no" judgment is used to eliminate the gray area.

Second, let the user's feedback no longer "tangled", lower the feedback threshold, increase the number of feedback users, and the machine learning results are more accurate:

Relative to the five options of “five stars”, “whether” or two options are easier and closer to instinct; thus users prefer feedback and help increase the sample size of participating users, which can increase the accuracy of machine learning. .

A Netflix report shows that the "thumbs up/down" system has increased user ratings by 200% during the beta.

Netflix believes that the role of "five-star scoring" is overrated, and it is more suitable for those who have a lot of free time to brag about their views online:

“Give a clear signal and let me know that you are interested in this content, we will be able to better understand your preferences and recommend more similar content to you;

Use the downward thumb to tell us that you are not a fan of this content, it will no longer appear on your homepage.

The direction of the thumb helps us understand and learn your unique taste, so that we can recommend your favorite story more intelligently. ”

Kill that annoying movie review

After abolishing the "five-star", Netflix started the "user reviews": as of July 30 this year, you will not be able to write new reviews in the comment area; by mid-August, you will not even see previous user reviews. Arrived.

A Netflix spokesperson told the media that because the use of the "user comment" feature continued to decline, the decision to completely remove it was made.

However, from the beginning Netflix seems to be less willing to let users leave subjective comments: Netflix's APP does not see the "comment" feature, only on the PC side; and the platform has never seriously developed this feature.

There are two real reasons for stopping User Video Criticism:

In the streaming mode, the importance of comments to the Netflix business has dropped.

During the DVD rental service period, user comments still make sense: after all, mailing a DVD takes two or three days. If the user receives a particularly ugly movie, it will take another two or three days to change one.

However, if you watch a bad movie on the Netflix streaming service, you can immediately stop it and replace it. The cost of trial and error is extremely low. It is better to look at other people's subjective evaluations than to move their fingers.

Netflix's self-made content has increased, and it is no harm to let go of the user's subjective film reviews.

Netflix is ​​no longer just a distribution channel for film and television content. Today it is a real production company.

"House of Cards", "Weird Story", "The Crown"... These are the original plays of real money, and the bad reviews and malicious word-of-mouth are the most intolerable of the film.

The use of "brushing negative word of mouth" on the Internet to lower program ratings or movie attendance is endless: the recent comedy star Amy Schumer's Netflix talk show has become a victim of "negative word-of-mouth bombing."

"Amy Schumer: Leather Special" online word-of-mouth wall inside the wall

Last year, Amazon's IMDB closed the user forum on the grounds that "they no longer provide a positive and useful experience for most users." Netflix may also feel the same.

In order to avoid being badly rated, Netflix decided to start with a strong first, and first of all these annoying film reviews - at least on their own platform.

For those who want to seriously watch the film review, there are countless sources outside: you can go to IMDB and rotten tomatoes to see the score, or go to the social platform to search for word of mouth, more real can also find some more subdivided professional media reviews.

Compared with professional fans, Netflix considers more of the feeling of “eat melons” – “user reviews” may not significantly increase ratings, and once a negative evaluation occurs, it will seriously damage the viewing data, which is not worth the candle.

So why keep this "time bomb" next to your own content?

The algorithm is the ultimate weapon of "low-dimensional strike"

Netflix is ​​now most dependent on the "percent match" algorithm based on your viewing habits.

The core standard of this algorithm is your personalized preferences (up and down), which are tailored to your interests and tailored to your expectations.

Netflix users enter their personal homepage, the first and third lines are algorithm recommendations

For example, if I am a sci-fi fan, I will often receive sci-fi and sci-fi movies recommended by the platform, and most of them are in line with my preferences.

Even if the content quality is not as good as expected, I will still click to watch it - because this is recommended by Netflix, the cost of trial and error is so low, why not try it? Big deal, "thumbs down" afterwards.

Netflix will also provide "friends' favorite programs" for your reference: you can see "10 of your friends also like "Fable Story"" below the show, which is more lethal than strangers' random comments.

It is somewhat similar to the presentation logic of the WeChat public article and is an attempt to "socialize content."

However, the most frustrating drawback of the Netflix algorithm is that it will make the audience very passive - sitting there, waiting for the system to "feed" to its content; in the long run, the user's initiative in content selection may disappear," The ability to jump out of the preferences framework will also be lost, and the user's cognitive system will become single and full of prejudice.

As the world's most acclaimed media giant in the capital market, Netflix did not hesitate to stand up for the "algorithm" and speed up the road on the algorithm paved.

At this point, Netflix is ​​developing a more expensive subscription service, Ultra (superuser), with a monthly subscription fee of nearly $20, which allows an account to simultaneously "stream" Ultra HD content onto four terminal devices.

Netflix, a barbaric Internet company, needs a simpler and clearer way to improve the efficiency and value of the platform. There is no time or energy.

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