
Me too next, how women in Silicon Valley technology circle respond to industries such as gender discrimination

 For women, the courage to point out sexual harassment is only the first step. Now, Silicon Valley elite women hope to use their own strength and community mutual help to change the more common gender discrimination and workplace barriers they face in the workplace.

As a Silicon Valley female elite, Zhang Renhui, vice president of LinkedIn Engineering, publicly shared his story in a recent speech about the setbacks and dilemmas encountered in his work. For example, she mentioned that when she first entered the technology industry, she was often the only woman in the conference room. In order to integrate into the male-dominated work environment, she began to observe and imitate the behaviors of male colleagues, but she became more and more unhappy and even considered Give up.

Considering that she is very good, she has worked in the technology industry for nearly 20 years. She was previously the vice president of Yahoo Engineering and the chief technology officer of Tinder. Her attitude and practice in the face of setbacks are very inspiring for many young women in the workplace.

"At that time, I looked at myself in the mirror and found that I didn't know myself. I think I have to recognize who I am and admit that I am different from other male colleagues. In the beginning, it made me I don't feel very comfortable, but I told myself that this is me. Later I found out that being yourself is a source of happiness and makes my workplace more sustainable." Zhang Renhui said.

Zhang Renhui, Vice President of LinkedIn Engineering. Hector Martinez shooting

Her presentation was at the EDGE 2018 Empowerment, Development, Growth, Enjoyment. The conference was held on July 29 by the non-profit organization Silicon Valley Career Women (SVCW). The organization was held at the Computer History Museum in the Southern Silicon Valley. A number of senior technology practitioners from companies such as LinkedIn and Google shared their stories and experiences with the intention of helping hundreds of participants present in the workplace. The challenge of life.

“This conference is a tradition of SVCW. The difference between our conference and other conferences is that participants and speakers can have deep interactions. We encourage everyone to take the initiative to ask their own questions and express their opinions. This is also a good one. The opportunity to find a career tutor,” said Cao Qian, chairman and founder of SVCW.

Cao Qian, Chairman and Founder of SVCW. Shinepainter studio shooting

Zhang Renhui is indeed like a mentor, giving specific experience to face challenges - bravely building lofty ideals, embracing all difficulties and accepting the true self.

Google Engineering Manager Xu Guangyu provides more specific suggestions, such as staying energetic, setting aside enough time for personal reflection and proper rest; finding your own strengths, interests and shortcomings, targeting your strengths and solving problems. Short board and so on.

Around 2014, the media, non-profit organizations, investors and other parties demanded that technology giants publish employment-related data. Under pressure from various sources, companies such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter have announced employment information for women and ethnic minorities. From the data of employment, job level and other data, white males dominate the Silicon Valley technology circle.

Soon after, companies such as Intel, Apple, and Google announced that they would invest hundreds of millions of dollars to improve the working environment and atmosphere, making the company more diverse and inclusive. Specific measures include a more objective and quantifiable approach to recruitment and promotion, development of women and minority support organizations within the company, and funding of non-profit organizations that target women and minorities.

From the data point of view, some companies have made progress. According to a survey by a German data company, the proportion of female employees in Facebook was 35% in 2017, with 19% in technical positions, both of which were 3% higher than in 2015. The proportion of female employees in Google is 31%, of which technical posts account for 20%, an increase of 1% and 2% respectively compared with two years ago.

However, the female technology practitioners who are in it feel that these measures are difficult to solve the problem fundamentally.

Xu Guangyu believes that large companies began to improve the working environment of female employees, not to help the disadvantaged groups, but to discover the commercial value of female employees in the team.

“They found that women are in the team and will do a better job. This is a big change in concept. Every company has been doing this in the last three or four years (improving the female working environment), but they are not Knowing how to do it, (practices and ideas) is a bit out of touch. Many of the promotion criteria from the bottom are still more conducive to men, such as job-oriented promotion standards, not looking at the process. These standards look very objective, but many girls The time to do is to support the team, if there is no female support, those people can't go up."

Google Engineering Manager Xu Guangyu. Shinepainter studio shooting

In addition, how to adapt to the male-dominated technology circle still plagues most working women. Cao Qian feels that such problems are more serious in startups. Her current full-time job is a software engineer at the startup Argo AI, who worked for Microsoft for nearly five years.

She believes that in a startup with a more disproportionate ratio of males and females, male colleagues trust and respect each other's views and abilities, and there are more opportunities for communication between the same sex, such as walking after a meal. Male colleagues build trusting relationships in these ways, and women do not have these opportunities. If you don't actively seek more communication opportunities, women can easily be isolated in the company.

“How to integrate into this environment without changing yourself, like a brother and a male colleague, these challenges happen every day around me. The diversification of big companies is better, (for women) challenges Relatively few, because you need to do very specific tasks, not take risks. In a startup, many times you have to build something from scratch, you have to spend more time to convince all Male members come to respect your ideas, these are bigger challenges." Cao Qian said.

Cao Qian's motivation to set up SVCW comes from personal experience. Last year, when she had just given birth, she returned to Microsoft after taking maternity leave and found that her work life has changed a lot. At home, in order to take care of her children, it is difficult for her to concentrate on her work; at work, the boss does not assign important items to her.

"The boss gave me a high evaluation before the maternity leave. I thought I would be promoted. After the maternity leave, I asked the boss if there was any promotion. My boss said that you have not come to work for so long, how can you I was promoted. I felt that my contribution was not recognized. These changes made me want to ask career mom how to successfully pass this stage, so I launched the first event."

Through this event, Cao Qian found that many people faced the same problem. After the meeting, the feedback from the event was very positive. So she decided to register a non-profit organization and expand the service target after the second event. To women in all ages.

Finding a mentor for women in Silicon Valley is one of SVCW's key projects. This program is free to everyone, data-oriented, and matches the instructor based on each person's personal information. At present, the resources of the instructors are scarce, with about 2 or 30 people, and about 300 students enrolled.

Part of the SVCW. Hector Martinez shooting

Xu Guangyu is also one of the mentor of this project. “I feel that women should use our social interests and abilities to form an interactive team or group to improve career success.”

Many female participants present at the scene resonated with the speaker's story. Cici (a pseudonym), a girl who is an activity planning manager at a startup that specializes in information governance, said that she felt empathy with Zhang Renhui's experience. When she first entered the company, In order to integrate into the male-dominated environment, we will also consciously imitate the style and manner in which the opposite sex colleagues speak. Li (a pseudonym), a senior software engineer at a startup company, said that she had experienced situations in which she was ignored by a white male colleague at the meeting, and her speech was interrupted. The response provided by Xu Guangyu made her feel very useful. Participants asked the speaker. Hector Martinez shoots.

In addition, there are many male participants at the event. Cao Qian said that every time SVCW organizes an event, there will be men. “They also have female colleagues. They want to know what women’s problems are and what kind of help men need to help them to work together better. Some people have become our volunteers after participating in our activities and have participated in the development of us. a web app."

Cao Qian said that the purpose of organizing such activities is to hope that women with successful experiences can use their personal experiences to inspire participants, and share effective methods for dealing with specific problems so that everyone can learn directly and practice through continuous practice. These methods are applied to your work and life.

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