
Elon Musk: Humans are only part of a higher civilization VR simulation

The controversial entrepreneur Elon Musk made a speech at the popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. He said that human beings are trapped in a "hacker"-like experience, and we are all part of a more powerful and civilized simulation.

Musk said that since the universe has a history of nearly 14 billion years, and the history of human beings on Earth is less than 10,000 years, this period is enough for other civilizations to rise. He believes that older civilizations are likely to be our Creator and compare real life to the progress of the game over the past few decades.

He said on the podcast: "Whether you assume any kind of development speed, the game will eventually become the same as reality, otherwise the civilization will end. These two things will always happen. Therefore, we are likely to exist in In the simulation, because we are not dying. I think it is very possible, this is just a probability, there are probably many many simulations. You can call them reality, or you can call them the multiverse."

Musk has always been a staunch supporter of simulation theory, and he will have compared real life to games as early as 2016. He said at the time: "I think the reason humans live in the simulation is as follows: 40 years ago, we had "Pong", two rectangles and one dot. This is the beginning of the game. Now 40 years have passed, we have With 3D simulation, millions of people play games online. And technology is still evolving. We will soon have virtual reality and augmented reality."

He further pointed out that even if the speed of the game has dropped dramatically, their progress is still significantly faster than real life. This means that the game will soon be as realistic as real life, and "our concept of 'basic reality' is only one billion."

The French philosopher Descartes once proposed a simulation theory. He mentioned "the barrel midbrain" in the book "Metaphysical Meditation" in 1641, and said that our brains are controlled by a laboratory. Since then, the advancement of technology has been very rapid, and with the rise of VR, many people believe that we are indeed living in virtual reality.

Descartes' theory again caught the attention of people in 2003, when Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom wrote an article called "Are you living in a simulation?" Among the ?) articles. He believes that future generations will be able to create very powerful computers, so that we can't tell whether this is reality or simulation.

Postlom wrote: "Because their computers are so powerful, they can run very many simulations. Assuming that human beings are simulated, most of the minds like us may not belong to the original race, but It may belong to humans that are modeled by advanced generations. So if things do, we can think that we are merely simulating the mind, not the first human being in physiology."

A series of famous people are obsessed with simulation theory and donated hundreds of millions of dollars for related research, hoping to confirm it. For Silicon Valley, which is home to big companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook, technology innovators here are clearly at the forefront of research in this area.

In a 2016 article on "New Yorker" by Sam Altman, president of the famous incubator Y Combinator, Altman has said that Silicon Valley, including himself, is "obsessed" with the concept of computer simulation. The article wrote at the time: "Many people in Silicon Valley are very obsessed with this simulation hypothesis. They think that the reality we experience is actually generated by computers. The two billionaires in the tech world are already secretly recruiting scientists. And hope to free us from the simulation."

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