
Lenovo's IoT and AR hybrid software will reference blockchain technology

Recently, the Credits platform announced in a medium-sized post that it joined Lenovo's new technology project.

According to reports, the two companies will focus on the Internet of Things and AR software development. The software is used in various fields such as finance and technology.

The official press release stated that Credits will use their blockchain expertise to help build Lenovo's new vision technology project and facilitate the further development of blockchain technology.

The focus of the Lenovo project is on the AI/AR field. The purpose is to provide professional industry solutions for partners from the aspects of infrastructure and system integration, platform development and hardware development.

Lenovo's new technology program integrates Credits' blockchain solutions to streamline internal operations and management processes and increase productivity.

The CEO of Credits said: “The Internet of Things and Augmented Reality have changed the way we interact with the world. We are very happy to work with Lenovo’s new vision, which will help us a lot and the combination of the two. Destined to bring about different changes. I saw that the combination of AI/AR and the Internet of Things has changed the business environment."

Lenovo's new vision technology chose Credits because of its uniqueness and unique solutions for different problems, such as the unique consensus algorithm consisting of dpos (trusted equity) and bft (byzantine fault tolerance).

Credits builds a blockchain platform that can execute up to 1 million transactions per second. It provides 0.01 seconds of processing speed, plus a commission of as low as $0.001, which is very convenient and cost-effective to use. The extended functionality of Credits Smart Contracts makes it possible to set up cycles and create plans, and this plan is currently being implemented.

Credits is an autonomous blockchain platform based on the principle of peer-to-peer network. The platform provides a variety of services for startups to release Dapp, and brings great possibilities for the use of blockchain technology.

Credits' website claims that it is by far the fastest blockchain platform. Credits provides partners with blockchain expertise in smart contracts, application development, public registration and ledgering, proof of concept and MVP development.

The system incorporates users of the network and uses blockchain technology to provide them with access to financial services. Everyone can enjoy different services.

Today, more than 100 companies on the Credits partner list have used the platform to develop floor-to-ceiling application services based on blockchain systems.

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