
Li Yanhong talks with Lagarde: The Internet is an appetizer. Artificial intelligence is the main dish.

On September 26, 2018, Baidu founder Li Yanhong held a conversation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Lagarde at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York on the theme "Technology is the global growth engine." In the face of Lagarde's artificial intelligence will replace some of the employment opportunities, Li Yanhong said that artificial intelligence will also create new employment opportunities while replacing part of the employment.

Li Yanhong said in the dialogue that Baidu's growth has benefited from the development of China's Internet. "Baidu is lucky." When Baidu was founded 18 years ago, there were less than 10 million Chinese netizens, and now it is close to 800 million. He also said that compared with the huge impact of the Internet on people's daily lives, artificial intelligence will not only solve the pain points of life in the life scene, but also change the manufacturing, medical, education and other industries. "The Internet is an appetizer. Artificial intelligence is the main dish."

As far as Baidu’s own AI strategy is concerned, when Baidu announced its second-quarter earnings a month ago, Li Yanhong attributed the strong increase in profits to the “AI-driven liquidity”. In the earnings report, he said that Baidu will increasingly move toward an "AI first" company. "Technology will play an increasingly important role in user experience and liquidity." In Baidu business, AI In addition to changing and innovating Baidu's current core business—search, information flow, and iQiyi's video services, it also attempts to build Apollo for autonomous driving and AI for DuerOS for conversational human-computer interaction. Other lines of business.

However, the impact of artificial intelligence on the distribution of social resources is also causing reflections from regulators and scholars. Lagarde said that a recent study by the International Monetary Fund showed that about 26 million jobs worldwide may be replaced by artificial intelligence. Among them, female workers will be more negative in the job market than male workers. influences.

Talking about the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market, Li Yanhong said that he is relatively optimistic that artificial intelligence can only help humans make decisions. Automated driving technology is still far away from replacing drivers. When some repetitive employment is replaced by machines, new employment Opportunities will be generated during the same period. At the World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai in September this year, Li Yanhong also said that companies that are not AI-based will not be able to adapt to the new era and are destined to be replaced by a new generation of enterprises.

The Bloomberg Global Business Forum was launched by Bloomberg's founder and Michael Bloomberg, who served as Mayor of New York, to promote a serious dialogue between business leaders and policy makers. In May of this year, Bloomberg announced that it will hold the "Innovation Economic Forum" for the first time in November this year to explore the opportunities and challenges in the global transformation process led by new economies such as China, India, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. The first innovation economic forum will be held in Singapore.

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