
The world's first robotic intelligent distribution station is enabled

After the parcel is transported from the logistics storage center to the delivery station, the goods are distributed according to the delivery location on the logistics sorting line. After the distribution is completed, the loading personnel in the station will load the parcel into the delivery robot according to the address, and then distribute it to the consumer by the delivery robot. .

According to the operation plan, the distribution station covers the area around Changsha Science and Technology New Town for the first time. All the stations use JD3.5 generation distribution robots, which not only have autonomous navigation, intelligent obstacle avoidance, traffic light recognition, face recognition and picking ability, each robot You can also distribute 30 packages at a time.

From the point of view of distribution capacity, the distribution station sets up a maximum of 2,000 packages per day, and at the same time cooperates with the traditional logistics distribution methods in the area to provide logistics distribution services for the surrounding 5 kilometers of residents. The proportion of human-machine distribution in the whole region will reach 1: 1.

Yang Jing, general manager of the Automated Driving Center of JD Logistics X Division, said that the world's first intelligent distribution station for distribution robots is of strategic significance for solving the “last mile” distribution problem of urban logistics, not only JD logistics unmanned technology and distribution. The deep integration of the business will also become a typical scene for the future application and promotion of robots in the entire logistics and distribution industry by creating a national intelligent logistics terminal distribution demonstration center.

Up to now, JD distribution robots have been implemented in more than 20 cities across the country. According to Liu Xiangdong, Director of Operation of Automated Driving Center of JD Logistics X Business Unit, while the first intelligent distribution station in Changsha was opened, the JD Logistics Intelligent Distribution Demonstration Base in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia will also be put into trial operation and become JD nationwide. The second intelligent distribution station.

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