
The virus can also spread to Antarctica, where birds such as penguins have become infected with the human virus

It is easy to think that the cold and distant Antarctica in our hearts will not be affected by humans, but in fact this is just our wishful thinking.

A study published in the journal Science and the Whole Environment shows that many human-related pathogens have spread from humans to birds in Antarctica. It includes Campylobacter jejuni that can cause food poisoning, and even a Salmonella that can only be found in urban birds.

Animals are not new to transmitting disease to humans. Commonly include Ebola, Zika virus and anthrax. But when you're trying to find a disease that is passed on to humans by humans, you usually get nothing. However, according to the Science Journal, some pathogens such as influenza, mumps and salmonella can be transmitted back and forth between humans and animals.

The process by which humans pass pathogens to other animals is called reverse zoonosis. Researchers have previously suggested that this bacterial exchange will not occur in Antarctica, but the team behind this latest study is skeptical. They collected fecal samples from 66 adult birds from 24 different species, including the Rock Jumping Penguin, the Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross, the Blue Swallow and the Skua.

To analyze a pathogen, the sample needs to be as clean as possible, so scientists have to catch the birds and clean them with a sterile cotton swab. Jacob González-Solís, an environmental and evolutionary biologist at the University of Barcelona, said: "The penguins are very strong and the skua is very clever. If you don't capture the skua for the first time, the second capture depends on luck."

The sample collection process continued from 2011 to 2014 and included birds from Livingston Island, Marion Island, Gough Island and Falkland Island. In the sample analysis, the researchers found the previously mentioned Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella, and another C. Lari virus that causes human stomach pain. C. Lari virus is resistant to human antibiotics, which indicates that it is transmitted from humans to birds.

Researchers are not sure how birds are infected with the virus. González-Solís said: "There are many possibilities. The most likely scenario is the result of contact between Antarctic animals and domesticated birds in the sub-Antarctic region, but it may also be a long-established whaling operation, Antarctic scientific research station and Antarctic tourism belt. The consequences of coming."

These birds may not be at risk because the researchers did not find any cases in which they died from these pathogens. But one problem still deserves our attention: the emergence of these pathogens means that there are likely to be other more dangerous pathogens causing problems in these animal populations.

González-Solís said in a statement: "These Salmonella and Campylobacter usually do not cause the death of wild animals. However, if a highly sensitive animal population infects a highly aggressive pathogen, it can have serious consequences and lead to local The decline of some species is even extinct."

To protect these animals, the researchers recommend that scientists and travelers working in Antarctica adopt more stringent biosafety initiatives, including the handling of human waste.

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The era of quantum communication has arrived: efficiency is higher than traditional means of communication

According to media reports, quantum computers are still a dream, but the era of quantum communication has arrived. An experiment recently conducted in Paris confirmed for the first time the superiority of quantum communication compared with traditional information transmission methods.

“We demonstrated for the first time the advantages of quantum communication in disseminating information and helping both parties perform their tasks,” said Eleni Diamanti, an electronics engineer at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She is one of the co-authors of this research report. The scientists involved in the study also included computer scientists from the University of Paris 7 Lordanis Kerenidis and Niraj Kumar.

Quantum machines are machines that use the quantum properties of matter to encode information. It is widely believed that such machines will revolutionize computers. But the progress has been very slow. Engineers have been working hard to build basic quantum computers, while at the same time theoretical computer scientists have encountered a more fundamental obstacle: they cannot prove that classical computers can never complete the task of quantum computers. For example, just this summer, a teenager in Texas, USA, proved that a problem that has long been considered to be solved only by quantum computers can be solved quickly with a classic computer.

But in the field of communication, the advantage of the quantum approach is the fact that it is nailed. Computer scientists have proved more than a decade ago that, at least in theory, quantum communication has obvious advantages in sending information for specific tasks.

"Most people only focus on computing tasks. But one of the great advantages of studying communication tasks is that the advantages of quantum pathways in this area can be proven," said Kerry Dinis.

In 2004, Kerry Dinis and two other computer scientists envisioned a scenario where someone needs to send a message to another person so that the latter can answer a particular question. Researchers have shown that using quantum devices can greatly reduce the amount of information that needs to be transferred while completing tasks. But the quantum devices they envisioned at that time were purely theoretical, far beyond the state of the art.

"We could prove the advantages of quantum communication at the time, but it is difficult to apply it," said Karenides.

The new study has made some changes to the scenarios envisioned by Kerry Dinis and others. Two people are involved in the new scene, named A and B. A has a set of small balls with numbers, each of which is randomly painted red or blue. B wants to know if the randomly selected pair of balls are the same color or different. A wants to send B with as little information as possible to ensure that B can answer the question.

The problem, called the "sampling matching problem", is important for both cryptography and digital currency, because users often want to avoid revealing other information while exchanging information. And this problem is also very suitable to show the advantages of quantum communication.

"You can't say 'I want to send you a 1GB movie, now I'm coding it into a quantum state' and then expect to discover the quantum advantage," said Thomas Widick, a computer scientist at the California Institute of Technology. "You To verify with a more subtle task."

If the above problem is solved by the classical method, the amount of information that A needs to send to B needs to be proportional to the square root of the number of balls. But the singular nature of quantum information provides us with a more efficient solution.

In the laboratory setup used in this new study, A and B communicated via laser pulses. Each pulse represents a small ball. The pulse needs to pass through a splitter, splitting one pulse into two, half to A and half to B. When the pulse passes around A, A can change the phase of the laser pulse and encode the color information of each ball into it.

At the same time, B will put the information of the pair of balls he wants to know into his half of the laser pulse. These two halves of the pulse will then intersect at the other splitter, creating interference. The interference pattern of the two sets of pulses can reflect how the phase of each pulse has been adjusted. Next, B can read the interference fringes from the nearby photon detector. Until the moment B reads "A" laser information, A's quantum information can answer any questions related to any pair of small balls. But just as B read the information, he destroyed the quantum state and could only read information about a pair of small balls.

This is the characteristic of quantum information, which can have a variety of potential ways of being read, but can only be read in one way. This feature can significantly reduce the amount of information that needs to be passed to resolve sample matching problems. For example, to ensure that B can answer the question, A may need to send 100 classic bits of information to B, but with quantum methods, just send 10 qubits to achieve the same goal.

"To create a true quantum network, we need to do this proof of concept," said Graeme Smith, a quantum technology expert at the American Institute of Experimental Astrophysics.

This new experiment is clearly superior to the classical proof method. When the researchers conducted the experiment, it was clear how much information was needed to solve the problem in a classic way. Then they proved in an irrefutable way that solving the problem with the quantum approach is clearly better than the traditional approach. "We are very pleased to see in this paper that the researchers have spent a lot of time, first to ensure that the experiments they have done are difficult to complete with classical methods, and then use quantum methods to overcome this problem."

The computer science community has a long-lasting goal: to prove that quantum computers are indeed superior to classical computers. The results of this study may provide a new way to achieve this goal. This quantum "superiority" may be difficult to prove in the field of pure computing, but in addition to computing, there are many important issues worth solving.

"If we combine the computational and communication tasks that we can do with quantum methods, we can more easily prove the advantages of quantum." Kerry Dinis said.

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[Electronic] Capacitor Spot Welder

This time is a capacitor spot welder


My capacitance
55 capacitors

 Casually welded

First plug the capacitor into the hole plate. Here is a little trick to facilitate solder joints. (I don't know if it is counted)

First plug in the capacitor, (the positive and negative poles do not mix, the mixture will leak, it is very troublesome), put the capacitors in a row, unify the positive electrode to the outside, the negative pole, then insert a row of capacitors, the same negative Inward, it is the positive pole to the positive pole or the negative pole to the negative pole and then soldered like me

In the figure, the solder is smashed because the capacitor is inserted, it is an accident. It has been soldered down for a long time. It is charged a little more, and the capacitor is charged. After a while, the capacitor is probably charged, and then the positive or negative clamp of the capacitor. On the alligator clip, use the wire to pull out, and then wire or wire on an electrode clip, I use the needle of the scrapped multimeter, and the other end is connected to the item to be welded. The effect is good. Only 12 can be used to weld the paper clip.

Crocodile clip

Sauce purple inserted into the hole plate, pay attention to the positive and negative

12v10a power supply

Sponsored capacitors, and my power supply

Temporarily welded

The head used for welding, I don’t know what to call.

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Russian simulated Mars car landing cabin hypersonic landing process

The Russian Institute of Central Air Fluid Dynamics in Zhukovsky, Russia, simulated the parameters of the hypersonic landing of the Russian and Russian joint Mars mission ExoMars2020 in the Martian atmosphere in the wind tunnel. The researchers conducted a comparative analysis of the calculated and simulated experimental data, and made a good prediction of the aerodynamic characteristics of the landing cabin DM-20 under the conditions of the Martian atmosphere.

The director of the institute, Kiril Sepalo, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that in order to complete the simulation test, the researchers specially designed and manufactured the weight model and thermal model of the landing cabin.

It is reported that the Russian-European joint Mars mission was originally scheduled to start on July 25, 2020. The landing Mars mission is scheduled for March 2021, and the landing position is the Mars Oxshire Plain.

ExoMars Mars is the first Mars life search project in Russia and the European Union. The first phase of the mission consisted of the European Orbital Detector (TGO) and two Russian scientific instruments. ExoMars2020 is the second phase of the ExoMars Mars mission, which will consist of a Russian landing platform and a European Mars rover with 11 Russian instruments installed on the landing platform and 2 The European instrument, the Mars rover, contains 7 EU equipment and 2 Russian equipment.


Humans are one step closer to Mars: SpaceX will test interplanetary spacecraft early next year

According to US technology media Teslarati, this year SpaceX has begun to develop Starship and Super Heavy. SpaceX CEO Musk posted a message on Twitter, revealing some details of the design changes. He also explained that March or April. It is expected to test the prototype of the interstellar spaceship.

Teslarati pointed out that the Starship is quite important, it is part of the Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) system, and eventually humans may have to rely on BFR to go to Mars.

SpaceX is currently building a starship at the Texas launch site and is expected to test it in March or April next year. From the news revealed by Musk, SpaceX's testing work has been accelerated. This is good news. Musk himself said "a lot faster than expected." Judging from Musk's words, the prototype of a full-size starship (or something similar) could be launched in the first quarter of 2019 as soon as possible.

In September 2018, SpaceX president and chief operating officer Gwynne Shotwell said that the prototype BFS might be tested for jumps at the end of 2019. Later BFS changed its name to Starship. Now Musk gives the time in March or April 2019, a lot ahead of time.

It is really unbelievable to advance the time by 9 months without making a technical compromise. Some photos have recently appeared on the Internet, taken from the SpaceX Boca Chica launch site, and the photos suggest that SpaceX is assembling components related to the Starship. The prototype of the Starship will be equipped with a super powerful Raptor engine, and a jump test will be introduced in three months. The huge metal devices appearing in the photo will definitely participate in the test.

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Paper tape sensors that no longer need to endure pain may replace traditional diabetes tests

According to foreign media reports, there may soon be another way to replace the finger tingling blood sugar test that diabetic patients must endure every day. Scientists from Shatra Aber have recently developed a method to measure blood sugar through the saliva of patients. Tape sensor. It is reported that the project is under the responsibility of Sahika Inal, a biologist of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Khaled Salama, electrical engineer, and Derya Baran, a materials scientist.

They first loaded a commercial ink containing a conductive polymer into an inkjet printer, and then used this ink to print a microelectrode pattern on a smooth paper web. Next, on top of the electrodes they printed an enzyme called glucose oxidase. Finally, they covered the whole thing with a perfluorosulfonic acid polymer film.

They first loaded a commercial ink containing a conductive polymer into an inkjet printer, and then used this ink to print a microelectrode pattern on a smooth paper web. Next, above the electrodes, they printed a layer of enzyme called glucose oxidase. Finally, they covered the entire object with a perfluorosulfonic acid resin (perfluorosulfonic acid) polymer film.

When saliva is transferred to the sensor, glucose in the body fluid reacts with glucose oxidase to produce an electrical signal. This signal is then received by the electrode and can also be read by another device - the intensity of the signal and the person providing the saliva The blood sugar level corresponds.

Although saliva contains substances such as ascorbic acid which usually interfere with the conductive polymer, the perfluorosulfonic acid resin film can prevent this from happening because it can repel the negative charge generated by these compounds. The film also increases the shelf life of the sensor, allowing glucose oxidase to remain active after storage for one month in a sealed bag.

Inaler said: "Optimization work will never stop on the project, so we try to make this system more powerful to detect other metabolites in biological fluids. We also hope to be able to print, self-powered The integration of the energy device into the sensor provides us with a more user-friendly platform to eliminate external batteries or wires.

Related research reports have been published on "Flexible Electronics".

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Chinese scientists propose a one-way quantum phonon laser technology solution

In quantum chips, phononic resonators coupled with superconducting bits are key components for connecting converted optoelectronic signals and performing quantum logic operations. Such coherent phonon devices have wide application value in many fields such as quantum information, nanomechanics and thermoelectric materials, ultrasensitive sensing, nondestructive testing and geological exploration. However, there is a technical "disturbance" in the manufacture of this key component, that is, the signal quality and calculation accuracy are susceptible to interference or even damage by environmental noise. Jing Hui, a professor at the College of Physics and Electronic Science of Hunan Normal University, proposed a one-way quantum phonon laser technology that not only achieves high-fidelity directional amplification of signals, but also significantly suppresses the interference or damage of reverse noise on chip functions. The technical solution does not rely on material nonlinearity, and is convenient to expand to the integrated array circuit, filling the gap of the international one-way phonon laser research, and providing a practical application for quantum computing, one-way communication, stealth detection, heat flow control, etc. General method. Related results were published online on December 15th in the journal Physical Review and Application of the American Physical Society.

In this work, Jing Hui proposed that the unidirectional amplification and transmission of sound waves can be realized by the relativistic optical effect of the rotating cavity. Firstly, the optical cavity pressure is used to design the coupling cavity parameters to realize the phonon coherence amplification, that is, the phonon laser. Then use the relativistic Sagnag effect, that is, the frequency and the radiation pressure of the light along or opposite to the direction of rotation of the cavity will be different, so that the phonons generated in one direction are coherently amplified, while the phonon excitation in the opposite direction is completely Was forbidden. Finally, a new one-way phonon coherent amplification technique that can achieve high fidelity directional amplification of the signal and significantly suppress the interference of reverse noise on the chip function is realized.

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Melody lights made by LEDs and wheels

This time, a melody lamp made of smart car wheels and piranhas highlighting LEDs.
First and foremost, the most simple one is its circuit diagram.

This is a welded board (we all remember to control the volume slightly, try to be as close as possible, otherwise it will collapse if you don’t get into the wheel)

Test the circuit first.

Cut it, remember to control the volume~

Then I machined the wheel and cut off the connecting shaft in the middle. I used electric grinding, but I always think that hot cutting is more convenient!
I will post a message to introduce the hot cut, and the comrades who often play the model will definitely know it. I also know the tools from the model forum.

Then I thought about what battery to use? I wanted to put the battery in it, but I was worried that the space was not enough, and the brightness of the button battery LED was not enough.
I took the power cord out and powered it with a lithium battery 18650.
The sound-controlled circuit board is completed, and the second one is to be the five LED boards.

Remove the rubber sleeve of the tire first

Put the board on it to trace a circle.

The circuit board is cut from big to small, don't worry, compare more than two times, it is best to make the size just right, you can put it in the wheel.

After cutting the board, solder the lamp bead, and carefully select the position of the weld according to the gap of the tire profile.

The next thing to do is to cut the board into a circle as big as the tire, and wait for the back cover.
Here is a good way to use the tip of the compass to cut the board, which is very efficient.

Draw a few laps on the front and reverse the next few times to get it.

Then it is assembled, put a hole in the side of the tire and pull the power cord out.

Fixing LED light board with hot melt adhesive

Then put the voice control board on top, this does not need to be glued, because the space is just right, so he is squeezed inside, will not shake.

Then put the bottom plate made of light wood board, press it by hand, and then stick it with hot melt adhesive.

After sticking, cut again, polish the board, try to fit the tire

In order to make it more beautiful, come back to the bottle of black paint, first spray the opposite side, then put the side to a little bit of lascivious

After the spray, repair the corners and try to achieve perfection~

Next is the finished product~ see how~

When there is music····

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