
Improve the roadmap given by the AI ​​"IQ" academician

"At present, some artificial intelligence chips developed by some companies are mainly based on GPU, CPU, FPGA, ASIC, etc., for image, speech recognition, and neural network, deep learning algorithms and other special weak artificial intelligence." In recent days, Southeast University College of Artificial Intelligence At the establishment ceremony of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and the Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum, Zhao Yuping, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that to improve the IQ of computer systems, both hardware and software should be developed at the same time. Among them, the development of a more general similar computing unit SPU is The core unit that spans the gap between logical thinking and non-logical thinking.

Humanoid thinking ability of computer systems

"Thinking ability is the core of the whole intelligence. Human thinking can be divided into logical thinking and non-logical thinking." Zhao Yuping said that comparative judgment, concept formation, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, analogical reasoning and dialectical thinking are regarded as logical thinking. Image thinking, intuitive thinking and inspirational insight are considered to be non-logical thinking.

The three eternal goals of computer science and technology workers are to make computer systems run more efficiently, use more naturally, and handle smarter. Among them, the more efficient operation has led to a significant increase in computing storage capacity over the past few decades. The use of more natural requirements has led to the development of VR technology, and the smarter processing means using AI technology to improve the IQ of computer systems. .

However, the machine thinking that has been realized so far still does not jump out of the scope of logical thinking.

"The IQ of computer systems can be divided into three levels." Zhao Yuping said that the first-level IQ is comparison and judgment, the second-level IQ is deductive, and the third-level IQ is various artificial intelligence programs under the second-level intelligent support, such as concept formation. Machine reasoning, expert systems, machine learning, neural networks, etc., make it human-like thinking ability.

"It can be seen that the human-like thinking ability of artificial intelligence systems is inductive and analogous." Zhao Yuping said that to improve the IQ of computer systems, there are two routes of hardware and software. Among them, the software route is research knowledge operation, research and development knowledge operating system. The artificial intelligence hardware upgrade route highlighted by Zhao Yuping is to develop an SPU with similar computing power. The application of SPU will enable computer systems to bridge the gap between logical and non-logical thinking.

Artificial intelligence enters the 2.0 era

“In 1956, scientists portrayed a vision in the early days of AI: creating machines that mimic human learning or intelligence.” Dean of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Southeast University and Dean of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (and), Chief Technology Officer of Lenovo Group Yong Yong, senior vice president, said that the current vision is moving forward in a two-step approach. One is the “individualized artificial intelligence”, and the second is the “combined artificial intelligence”.

If you compare a car with a vehicle, you can compare the artificial intelligence algorithm to the engine of the car. The data can be regarded as fuel, and the computing power is the tire that determines the car to run fast. The industry application determines the development path of artificial intelligence. steering wheel. He emphasized that the current computing power of artificial intelligence is facing challenges, and the non-GPU AI dedicated chip ecosystem is still to be perfected.

"If we talked about artificial intelligence 60 years ago, we used computers to simulate people's intelligent behavior. After 60 years of development, more and more artificial intelligence experts have realized that the intelligence of machines and the natural intelligence of people are different after all. They are two kinds. Essentially different intelligence.” Pan Yunhe, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that certain aspects of machine intelligence are smarter than people, such as AlphaGo.

"But some aspects of human intelligence are hard to replace with machine intelligence. The best way is to combine the two and combine them into a more powerful agent to serve people." Pan Yunhe said, this is artificial intelligence 2.0. Hope that can be solved.

Pan Yunhe introduced that artificial intelligence 2.0 has emerged a lot of technical clues, including big data intelligence, group intelligence, cross-media intelligence, human-machine hybrid intelligence and autonomous intelligence.

"In the era of artificial intelligence 2.0, new information flows and new information spaces will bring many new changes to our lives." Pan Yunhe believes that relevant enterprises and institutions should develop a new generation of artificial intelligence development plans according to their own needs.

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Robotics helps 290-million-year-old fossil walk again

According to SlashGear, John Nyakatura, an evolutionary biologist at Humboldt University in Berlin, recently used robotics to help the fossils of 290 million years ago “walk” again. He collaborated with Kamilo Melo, a robotic expert from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, to draw and recreate the look of a prehistoric animal, Orabates pabsti.

The life-size beast replica is created by fossils and equipped with the necessary electronic equipment to reproduce its movements in real life. This creature has not fully recovered its life - just its movement. Finally, the team has an electronic animation reproduction of Orabates pabsti. The result is what they call "OroBOT."

OroBOT's complete body is made of 3D printed plastic and steel parts. This model is not exactly the same size as the original model - it is a bit large in size to give the robot the necessary space to move accurately using the technology.

Above you will find that OroBOT represents a powerful and very agile creature that may look a bit like a crocodile.

The team used a well-preserved ancient footprint as a model for the creature to walk. Its gait, speed and angle of movement are all factors that find the right way to accurately represent the true walking of a creature.

"Our indicators indicate that Orobates has shown a more advanced sport than the previous four-legged animals," Nyakatura et al. said in a research paper published this week in Nature. “This shows that the development of efficient land-based exercise precedes the evolution of amniotic animals.”

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AI can fake fingerprints, biometric security?

"Artificial intelligence technology can use a large amount of fingerprint data as 'raw materials', learn their structural characteristics and detailed information, and reorganize according to certain rules to generate forged data with extremely high degree of simulation." Sun Libin, an expert in the artificial intelligence industry, told Science and Technology Daily reporter.

Recently, a paper published by New York University and Michigan State University detailed how deep learning techniques can weaken the security system for fingerprint recognition.

AI can fake fingerprints, is fingerprint security still safe?

Generate counterfeit fingerprints against the network

"Fingerprint recognition, that is, identification by identifying the fingerprint path. Although fingerprint recognition is widely used, it has certain drawbacks. Because the touch verification method has high requirements on the environment, it has more requirements on the humidity and cleanliness of the finger, and the fingerprint wear will also cause Other difficulties are difficult to identify; others are not fingerprinted, or the fingerprint characteristics are too small to be imaged; it is not negligible that fingerprint traces are easy to retain, there is a possibility of being copied, and the cost of fraud is low." Fan Haoqiang, a researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology, told Science and Technology Daily reporter.

The paper shows that researchers use neural network data to train basic software to create convincing forged fingerprints that are even better than the original fingerprint material. “The team uses neural network technology variants to generate counterfeit fingerprints against the network,” said Julian Tojilius, an associate professor at New York University.

“Generating the confrontation network is a very popular deep learning algorithm. It is essentially a generative model. Through confrontation training, it can create deep forged pictures with data noise, which can be used for data enhancement, and can also be used to break specific Identification system." Fan Haoqiang said.

Sun Libin explained that artificial intelligence technology can also use the human eye and computer cognitive methods to embed some hidden attributes in the fingerprint image. Although the naked eye can't see it, the computer can capture this information and use the fake fingerprint image to identify the identity. The purpose of identification. And many systems do not have a living body detection module, and it is impossible to determine whether the acquired image is from a real human body. This loophole enables the forged fingerprint image to be verified by the system.

Fingerprint, face, and iris recognition each have their own characteristics

Fan Haoqiang introduced that in terms of biometric identification, common applications include fingerprint recognition, face recognition, and iris recognition.

Iris recognition, currently mainly seen in the iris recognition unlock of some high-end smartphones. Compared with fingerprint recognition, iris recognition technology recognizes the identity through the unique iris characteristics of the human body. The accuracy of iris recognition is higher in various biometrics, but compared with other biometric technologies, iris recognition hardware is expensive. The identification process needs to be coordinated, and it is difficult to promote it on a large scale. The lens may produce image distortion and reduce reliability. Therefore, the image acquisition and pattern matching of iris recognition are relatively inconvenient, and there are still many technical difficulties to achieve large-scale commercialization.

"Face recognition, computer image processing technology extracts key feature points from human face, compares and analyzes the features of the completed face feature template and the verified person, and gives similar values ​​according to the analysis result. It can be determined whether it is the same person. Face recognition can be automatically captured and verified compared to fingerprints that need to be touched and irises need to cooperate. Face recognition is more convenient and the application scene is more abundant. Fan Haoqiang said.

Multimodal fusion is more secure

Fan Haoqiang analyzed that face recognition has two dimensions that cannot be ignored in evaluating security.

“It is easy to obtain. This includes obtaining face data and bottom library data of the application scenario. It is impossible to complete the recognition comparison with only a single data. Currently, whether the data is collected, called, or compared in the face recognition business application scenario. All aspects need to be carried out with the knowledge and consent of the user. The core database of the face biological sample is controlled by the core institutions such as the public security and the central bank, and is not entitled to the general commercial operators.” Fan Haoqiang said, followed by Whether it is easy to break. This not only tests the strength of the algorithm, but more importantly, it is resistant to attack.

"In general, face recognition is currently safe in the field of biometrics. Of course, it is not foolproof. To achieve face recognition security and scale, it requires technical level, laws and regulations, and industry standards to be gradually improved." Fan Haoqiang said .

Sun Libin believes that biometrics develops rapidly, and the biological characteristics of different modalities have their own characteristics, and their anti-counterfeiting capabilities are also different. To be more resistant to the risk of prosthetic attacks, multimodal fusion recognition methods, such as gait and face recognition, can greatly increase the difficulty of forging data and improve the security of the recognition system.

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Playing the game also lost! The new "Alpha" beats human players

After the "man-machine war" of go successfully defeated the top human go master, Google's artificial intelligence technology company "deep thinking" artificial intelligence program "alpha star", and the human professionals in the classic real-time strategy computer game "starcraft 2" against, won a landslide victory.

Since December, the company's alphastar artificial intelligence program has competed 11 times against high-level human professionals, according to deepmind.
In this series of "man-machine war", the artificial intelligence program finally defeated the human player 10 to 1.
Only in the live competition on January 24th did the human players eked out a win because the alpha star's view was limited.

David silver, deep thinking's co-head of research and development, said after the competition: "while there is still a lot of work to be done, I hope that when people look back on today, they will see this result as a step forward in the capabilities of ai systems."

According to the report, unlike all the pieces on the go board, which are visible to both sides, there is a "fog of war" in such games, in which one side needs to guess and detect the other's actions, which belongs to the "imperfect information game", and requires artificial intelligence to respond in real time, which has higher requirements for artificial intelligence.

Deep thinking says that before alpha, no artificial intelligence system could match the skill of a human professional in starcraft ii.
"Alpha centauri" to the "I" is an important foundation of cuhk outscored depth is that it USES the neural network, the researchers through the way of supervision, learning and reinforcement learning, original data to train the direct use of the game, to imitate the thinking of learning, let the model quickly learn to high levels of human players in the game use strategy and operations.

In addition, games like starcraft ii have a concept called "hand speed," which is measured by APM (number of instructions per minute).
In the benchmark test, alpha star was able to execute about 280 instructions per minute, far less than a human professional, but with more precise movements that helped win the race.

What will winning go and computer games bring to the development of artificial intelligence?
"Deep thinking" of the research team believes that training "alpha centauri" advanced method and algorithm of the advanced architecture of the future will help researchers to accumulate more experience, and ultimately designed to deal with a lot of complicated problems in the real life of artificial intelligence programs, such as weather forecast, climate model calculation, and language understanding, etc.
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Why are humans and artificial intelligence increasingly similar?

Algorithms tell us how to think, and that's changing us.
As computers learn how to imitate, are we starting to look more and more like them?

Silicon valley is increasingly predicting how people will respond to emails, how they will react to someone's Instagram photo, and more and more deciding what government services people are eligible for. Soon, the upcoming Google voice Assistant Google Assistant will be able to call people in real time to book hairdressers.

From hospitals to schools to courts, we've taken algorithms almost everywhere.
We are surrounded by automation systems.
A few lines of code tell us what media to watch, whom to date, and even who the justice system should put in jail.

Is it right that we give so much decision-making and control to these programs?

We are fascinated by mathematical programs because they provide quick and accurate answers to a complex set of questions.
Machine learning systems have been applied in almost every field of our modern society.

How do algorithms affect our daily lives?
In a changing world, machines are learning quickly and brilliantly about the way humans behave, what we like and dislike, and what's best for us.
We now live in a space dominated by predictive technology.

By analyzing massive amounts of data and providing us with immediate and relevant results, algorithms have dramatically changed our lives.
Over the years, we've enabled companies to collect a lot of data, and we've enabled companies to advise us, to decide what's best for us.

Companies like Alphabet or amazon, the parent company of Google, have been indoctrinate their algorithms with the data they collect from us, and instruct ai to use the information it collects to adapt to our needs and become more like us.
However, as we become accustomed to these convenient functions, will we speak and act more like a computer?

"The algorithms themselves are not fair because the people who build the models define success."
-- Cathy O 'neil, data scientist

At the current rate of technological development, it is impossible not to imagine that in the near future our behavior will become algorithmically guided or dominated.
In fact, this is already happening.

In October, Google launched a Smart Reply feature for its Gmail service, called Smart Reply, intended to help you write or respond quickly.
Since then, the assistant feature has taken the Internet by storm, with many criticizing it for making its tailored Suggestions invasive, making people look like machines, and even suggesting that its responses could eventually affect how we communicate and even change the rules of email.

The main problem with algorithms is that, as they get so big and complex, they start to negatively impact our current society and threaten democracy.
As machine learning systems become more common in many areas of society, will algorithms take over the world and our minds?

Now, let's take a look at what Facebook is doing.
Back in 2015, their new version of the News Feed stream was designed to sift through users' subscriptions to make it a personalized newspaper, allowing users to see what was relevant to content they had previously Shared, thumb up, and reviewed.

The problem with "personalised" algorithms is that they put users in "filter bubbles" or "echo Chambers".
In real life, most people are less likely to accept ideas they find confusing, annoying, incorrect, or hateful.
In the case of Facebook's algorithms, the company gives users what they want to see, so that each user's stream becomes a unique world, a unique reality in itself.

The filter bubbles make it increasingly difficult to demonstrate publicly that information and disinformation look exactly the same from a system perspective.
Just like Roger federer?
As Roger McNamee recently wrote in Time magazine, "on Facebook, facts are not absolute;
"" they are a choice, an option initially left to users and their friends, but then amplified by algorithms to facilitate communication and user interaction." "

Filter bubbles create the illusion that everyone believes we are doing the same thing, or having the same habits.
We already know that on Facebook, algorithms exacerbate the problem by exacerbating polarization, ultimately undermining democracy.
There is evidence that algorithms may have influenced the outcome of the UK referendum or the 2016 us presidential election.

"Facebook's algorithms promote extreme information over neutral information, allowing disinformation to override real information and conspiracy theories to override facts."
-- Roger McNamee, silicon valley investor

In today's world of information, sifting through it is a huge challenge for some people.
If used properly, ai could enhance people's online experiences or help them quickly cope with the growing weight of content and information.
To function properly, however, algorithms need accurate data about what is happening in the real world.

Companies and governments need to ensure that the algorithms' data are unbiased and accurate.
Since nothing is perfect, naturally biased estimates of data are already present in many algorithms, posing dangers not only to our online world but also to the real world.

Stronger regulatory frameworks are necessary so that we do not fall into a technological wilderness.

We should also be very careful about what we give the algorithm.
There is growing concern about the transparency of algorithms, the ethical implications of their decisions and processes, and the social consequences that affect people's working lives.
For example, the use of artificial intelligence in court could increase bias and lead to discrimination against minorities because it takes into account "risk" factors such as people's communities and associations with crime.
These algorithms can make catastrophic systemic mistakes and send innocent people to prison in the real world.

"Are we in danger of losing our humanity?

"If we make computers think for us and the underlying input is bad, they will think bad and we may never notice," wrote security expert Bruce Schneier in his book "Click Here to Kill Everybody."

Hannah Fry, a mathematician at university college London, led us into a world where computers could operate freely.
In her new book, "Hello World: Being Human In the Age of Algorithms," she argues that we, as citizens, should focus more on the people behind the keyboards, the Algorithms that write them.

"We don't have to create a world where machines tell us what to do or how to think, even though we're likely to end up in one."
She said.
Throughout the book, she repeatedly asks, "are we in danger of losing our humanity?"

Right now, we're not at the point where humans are excluded.
Our role in the world has not been marginalized and will not be for a long time.
Humans and machines can work together by combining their strengths and weaknesses.
Machines with defects will make the same mistakes as we do.
We should pay attention to how much information we give up and how much power we give up. After all, algorithms are now an inherent part of human beings and they won't disappear anytime soon.

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[electronic] diy small speaker

Circuit diagram to be used

Voice control light

2284 power amplifier board (front)


Voice control light (front)


Because there are a few pictures too big to upload
Looking for a carton
(The picture is too large)
(The picture is too large)
Beautify the horn hole (I use anti-electric tape)


Sound control light connection (even the microphone must use the microphone. If you connect the audio cable directly, there will be noise. I admit that the line is a bit messy)

Switch section

Later, I added a two-color light (I want to put the charging board into it. Adding a light is a charging indicator. But the integrated block 4056 did not do it)

After fixing, the upper partition (the hot melt glue will continue to be fixed)

Test it (the sound quality is good. But the sound will be distorted when it is full.) (Things on the speaker are used for heightening)

The original audio cable is too short to make one (heat shrink line for aesthetics)

Commissioning completed (and cover)

Tools (double-sided tape, scissors, transparent glue, drawing paper)

It’s not good to draw paper holes, but it’s okay.

Feel good

upper half

the second half

Take a photo

manufacture complete

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Simulation robots enter archaeology

Simulation robot has now entered the archaeology: 17. A team of European scientists in the UK paper published online in the journal nature, said they use the new building called "OroBOT" robot and simulation framework for research, found prehistoric four-legged animals learn to walk on land more efficiently time earlier than previously expected, this means that the land of the development of efficient movement before the amniote evolution and differentiation.

A variety of evolutionary adaptations drove the transition from aquatic to terrestrial quadrupeds.
Amniotic animals (reptiles, birds, and mammals) divide rapidly and have been associated with the development of more efficient upright walking.
For archaeologists, however, the timeline of the development of this more advanced form of movement has been unclear.

This time, John yakatulla of Humboldt university in Berlin, Germany, and camelo mero of the federal institute of technology in lausanne, Switzerland, and their team studied the fossils of large, herbivorous tetrapods called Orobates pabsti, which lived about 290 million years ago and are believed to be closely related to amniotic animals.

The fossil, in turn, matches preserved footprints that tell us how it moved and how it walked.
The team used digital technology to build "Orobates pabsti" and an advanced simulation robot "OroBOT" after analyzing the fossil and its footprints, as well as measurements of four living amphibians and reptiles, to explore the rationality and effectiveness of various possible walking modes.

With the help of OroBOT, the researchers found that the large herbivore tetrapod may prefer to walk upright compared to a non-amniotic tetrapod.
So the team suggests that this advanced form of exercise evolved earlier than previously thought.

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Flexible micro-robots that can "swim" inside the body

Swiss and British researchers report in the American journal science advances that they have developed a flexible micro-robot.
"Like a living microbe," the robot can "swim" in viscous or fast-flowing liquids and could one day deliver drugs to targeted tissues in the body.

Bradley neilsson, the corresponding author of the paper and from the federal polytechnic university in Zurich, Switzerland, said they were inspired to develop the robot by the fact that nature is full of microbes that change shape with their environment.

The robot, developed by researchers at the federal polytechnic university of Zurich in Switzerland, the federal polytechnic university in lausanne and the university of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, is made of a gelatin-like nanocomposite material.

The robot will be able to move through viscous or fast-flowing liquids without causing the body to reject it.
Its speed, direction, and controllability are unaffected as it passes through a system that is tortuous, like a narrow blood vessel.

The robot is about 1mm in length and could be even smaller with other technologies, selman sarkar of the ecole polytechnique federale DE lausanne, who was involved in the research, told xinhua.

The robot is inexpensive and the team is working to improve its performance in body fluids, the researchers said.

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Boost the new generation of machine intelligence, Shanghai institute of technology, a new initiative

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in the development of science and technology, and also an important lever for the development of world economy and society.
Recently, Shanghai university of science and technology held the 2019 international machine intelligence seminar and exhibition, and the institute of machine intelligence of Shanghai university of science and technology was inaugurated.

The institute of machine intelligence of Shanghai university of science and technology will focus on the artificial intelligence in the physical world, study the basic theory of man-machine integration and key common technologies, form a number of representative international top achievements, support the cross-disciplinary collaborative construction of the university, and set up a model of "new engineering" talent training.

As early as in 2016, Shanghai university of science and technology academy of sciences professor zhang joint Hamburg, Germany team, set up the "man-machine integration technology and medical robot" international joint innovation laboratory, using artificial intelligence to highly integrated human and machine, the man-machine information communion physical systems, thus creating a new generation of "smart" machine.

As the initiator of the machine intelligence research institute of Shanghai university of science and technology, professor zhang jianwei introduced at the conference that in the future, artificial intelligence will be further integrated with robots and intelligent manufacturing.
The application of artificial intelligence will be from the current mainly in the form of code in the virtual world or fixed data run, expand to the body and extend to the physical world, become "real physical world of artificial intelligence".
This requires not only the collection of live data in the real world through multi-source sensors for perception and learning, but also the further use of decision-driven actuators to change the physical world, so as to lead the robot industry revolution and better drive human economic and social development.

Compared with the existing artificial intelligence research institute, Shanghai university of technology institute of machine intelligence pay more attention to human and machine in a real environment coordination, communion of intelligence theory and key technology, basic research in artificial intelligence, man-machine integration technology research, intelligent manufacturing technology, the bionic robot, medical rehabilitation robot research, in intelligent manufacturing, intelligent medical, home services such as military and civilian applications, the formation of the new features of "high-end equipment + artificial intelligence", the power industry made in China and Germany 4.0 docking, as well as the national strategy of "a new generation of artificial intelligence development plan" to implement.

According to ding xiaodong, President of the Shanghai university of science and technology, the establishment of the institute of machine intelligence is a historic opportunity for the university to seize the development of artificial intelligence, conform to the national development needs and promote the construction of high-level universities.
Machine intelligence is based on the interdisciplinary study of artificial intelligence, needs to be in-depth integration, artificial intelligence and other multiple disciplines and Shanghai institute of mechanical manufacturing and medical apparatus and instruments is important traditional discipline, control science, optical engineering, and the advantage of system science is a rapidly developing discipline, they will provide the construction of machine intelligence research institute with strong talent and technology support.

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Chang 'e-4 completed the first biological experiment on the moon

China's chang 'e-4 has completed its first biological experiment on the lunar surface, with the latest test photos released today (oct 15) showing that the cotton seeds on board have sprouting buds.

According to the data, this is the result of "lunar microbiosphere" organized by the joint research center for deep space exploration of the ministry of education and led by chongqing university.

What does "lunar microbiosphere" look like?
                              Chang 'e-4 science load experiment growth box

According to the xinhua news agency reported earlier, surface micro ecological circle, similar to a barrel, 18 centimeters high, 16 cm in diameter, made by aluminum alloy, will be placed inside the potato seeds, arabidopsis seeds, eggs, culture medium, refrigeration, heating tablets, cameras and control components, and other items, plus the total weight of insulation shell outside a total of 3 kg.
In this small space, scientists create an environment for the growth of plants and animals and realize the ecological cycle.
Under the conditions of vacuum, microgravity and extreme temperature difference, the "lunar microbiosphere" will maintain 1 c to 30 c and appropriate humidity, and introduce natural light from the lunar surface through optical tubes to create an environment for plant growth.

Schematic diagram of the "lunar microbiosphere"
Light from the moon is channelled through a "barrel cover" of light tubes to carry out photosynthesis.
Insect eggs will produce the plants need, such as carbon dioxide and waste garbage, in the process, through the observation of low gravity, strong radiation under the conditions of plant seed germination, seedling growth and flowering process, or the eggs hatch, the larvae development, broken cocoon into a butterfly, verify the lunar environment seed respiration and photosynthesis in plants, the land on the moon surface micro ecological circle, 100 days, it will realize own micro ecological cycle.

Plants took root and sprouted the first flowers on the surface of the moon.
At the same time, the potato can also serve as a food source for human survival in space, its experimental value is more significant.
Silkworm eggs will complete the whole life cycle of egg hatching, larva growth and development, cocoon breaking and butterfly forming in the ecosystem.

The most distant biosphere

Unlike the space station's first flower, which was launched last year, this experiment is located 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Xie gengxin, chief designer of the lunar microsphere and deputy director of the joint research center for deep space exploration under the ministry of education, said the experiment is groundbreaking and of great significance for future human life on other planets.

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Strong coupling of sound and light can be achieved through the whispering effect

Researchers at Imperial College London, Oxford University, and the National Physical Laboratory used the whispering gallery effect to confirm the existence of a "strong coupling mechanism" between light and high-frequency sound waves. This discovery not only has a major impact on traditional and quantum information processing technologies, but also allows large-scale testing of quantum mechanical behavior. Related papers were recently published in the famous "Optics" magazine.

The research team mainly used the "whispering gallery mode resonance". This phenomenon is named after an effect observed in St. Paul's Cathedral in the 19th century. In St. Paul's Cathedral, when you speak softly against the wall at one end of the arcade, you will pass through the giant dome of the church and clearly pass to the opposite wall, so that the other person can clearly hear what you are saying.

The researchers injected light into the optical microresonator through a tapered fiber. The light was reflected multiple times around the surface of the tiny circular glass structure and cycled thousands of times inside the structure. Since the glass ring resonator can store a large amount of light, these light energy "Shake" the molecules in the material to produce sound waves.

When light circulates over a circular glass structure, it can interact with 11 GHz acoustic waves, causing light to scatter in the opposite direction. This interaction allows energy to be exchanged between light and sound waves at a rate. However, both the light field and the sound field are attenuated by a friction-like process that prevents the two from coupling. The team used two whispering gallery modes to overcome this challenge and achieved a coupling rate greater than the friction-like process. In a tiny glass structure, light and high frequency sound waves are coupled to each other.

The research team is preparing to conduct further experiments at temperatures close to absolute zero to explore quantum mechanical behavior and develop quantum technology.

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Chang 'e-4 and yutu 2 successfully completed each other's shooting, and chang 'e-4 mission was successful

On January 11th, the lander (right) and the inspector photographed on the large screen of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center.

On January 11th, the No. 4 lander and the Yutu No. 2 patrol were working normally. Under the support of the “Baoqiao” relay star, the mutual shooting was successfully completed. The ground receiving image was clear and intact, the Chinese and foreign scientific loads were working normally, and the detection data was effectively transmitted. The scientific experiment project was carried out smoothly and reached the established target of the project, marking the successful completion of the No. 4 mission. At this point, China’s lunar exploration project has achieved “five wars and five shortcuts”.

On January 11th, the lander (right) and the inspector photographed on the large screen of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center.

The scientific researcher carried out the path planning of the patrol device according to the terrain information around the landing photographed by the navigation camera, and sent the camera remote control command through the "Bridge Bridge" relay star. The patrol panoramic camera images the lander and the lander topography camera images the patrol.

On January 11th, at the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, researchers were working intensely.

After receiving and processing the ground data, at 16:47, the image of the lander and the patrol was displayed on the large screen of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center. The image clearly shows the landform of the lunar back around the lander and the patrol, and the five-star red flag on the two devices is particularly eye-catching.

This is the image of the Yulu No. 2 patrol camera on the No. 4 lander terrain map camera.

Since the 4th probe successfully landed on the back of the lunar area on January 3, it has completed tasks such as relay star link connection, payload start-up, two-unit separation, patrol moon-day dormancy and wake-up, and two-way mutual shooting. After the successful completion of the engineering task, the No. 4 mission will be transferred to the scientific exploration stage, and the lander and the patrol will continue to conduct in-position detection and lunar patrol detection.

This is the Yutu No. 2 patrol camera panoramic camera for the No. 4 lander imaging.

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The most important hair is not on the surface, but hidden in your body.

Researchers at the Yaksi team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's Kavli System Neuroscience Institute study the anatomy and function of the brain by observing the brains of zebrafish.

Cells growing along the ventricles are provided with tiny hairy projections called cilia. Little is known about cilia, but we know what happens if they stop working.

People with cilia defects may develop neurological diseases such as hydrocephalus and scoliosis.

New research from the Yaski team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's Kavli Institute of Neuroscience shows that cilia are essential for normal brain development.

The human brain has four fluid-filled cavities called the ventricles, all of which are interconnected. The brain is produced and filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which is continuously moving, but the specific movements are different because of what we are doing.

"There are several theories, but over the years, this fluid cycle has been thought to provide nutrients to the brain while also removing waste," said Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi, a senior researcher at the Kavli Institute at NTNU.

"The flow of cerebrospinal fluid helps to transmit molecular signals throughout the brain," said Emre Yaksi, a professor at the Kavli Institute. It is impossible to conduct such research on humans for moral and practical reasons. Therefore, the research team chose to study zebrafish juveniles.

Zebrafish juveniles are ideal for this type of research. They are vertebrates like humans and can tell us how the human brain develops and works. In fact, zebrafish are transparent at an early age. This means that researchers can study the brain development and function of zebrafish in great detail without any intervention and without causing any pain.

“We can even investigate every cell and every cilia,” says researcher Christa Ringers.

Researchers at the Yaksi team found that cell populations with cilia are distributed in different regions of the ventricle, which together form a stable fluid and directional flow.

Heartbeat pulsation and body movement also affect the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, but the movement of cilia seems to guarantee a stable fluid flow in a single ventricle. This flow is local, so it is mainly limited to each ventricle. But at the same time, it seems that it is necessary to separate the flow to keep the pipes open between different ventricles.

"If we stop the movement of the cilia, the catheter that connects the ventricles will close," Jurisch-Yaksi said. Fluid flow in each ventricle and fluid exchange between different ventricles depends on whether we are stationary or moving.

"As long as the fish is at rest, we find that there is very little fluid exchange between the ventricles, even if the heart beats, causing some flow between them," said researcher Emilie Willoch Olstad.

But when we move, it all changes. Exercise results in a large degree of fluid exchange between different ventricles. There are two main types of cilia, sports or non-sports, also known as primary cilia. The Yaksi team examined the movement of cilia.

Unlike most other cilia that cause fluid transfer in the human body—for example, the brush-like respiratory cilia that protects the lungs, Kavli researchers found that the cilia around the developing zebrafish's ventricles have a propeller-like form of motion, much like sperm. tail.

At the same time, cilia can also help the brain stay young and healthy. New nerve cells grow near the wall of the ventricle filled with fluid. From here, they migrate to different parts of the brain.

The differentiation of these nascent cells is thought to be influenced by nutrients and molecular signals that are transmitted through the cerebrospinal fluid near the ventricular wall.

In zebrafish, the birth of new neurons, also known as neurogenesis, occurs not only in the developing brain but also in adult fish. Recent research has shown that this happens to humans as well.

The dynamic motion of the study fluid is very complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Mathematicians, engineers, and physicists can help understand how ciliary movement occurs and produces flow.

The Yaksi team at the Kavli Institute is eager to work with engineers because engineers can help develop better analytical tools and computer models to study the fluid circulation in the brain. They are actively looking for people and collaborators with the right skills. Their research is far from over. The next step is to manipulate the cilia to see if it is possible to affect the brain function of the zebrafish.

For example, when cilia-mediated flow is disturbed, how will neural activity and even circadian rhythms change? Zebrafish are usually much more active during the day than at night. Does changing cerebrospinal fluid flow change the way fish perceive and react to the environment at different times of the day? These will be the next issue that the researchers plan to address.

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BCI technology can connect to brain signals and restore all touches of amputated patients

According to the British Daily Express, artificial intelligence will soon be able to make the amputee feel the touch again by “hijacking” the brain. Hank, a moderator of the YouTube? Science Show

According to the British Daily Express, artificial intelligence will soon be able to make the amputee feel the touch again by “hijacking” the brain. Hank Green, a moderator at the YouTube? Science Show, detailed how scientists have made major breakthroughs in improving prosthetics with artificial intelligence.

In recent years, advances in technology have helped millions of amputees and have regained their physical use. However, man-made mechanical devices are always limited because the user never gets a complete feeling, which means that many things, such as taking a cup, are difficult for them.

There are reports that scientists are studying how to help patients recover their sense of touch with the help of a brain-computer interface (BCI). Green revealed: "BCI can be used to access the nervous system. There are many similarities between the electronics industry and the nervous system. The entire nervous system of the human body acts like a transceiver. In your body, nerve signals can convey motion commands or changes. Physical state, for example, makes you change from awake to sleep."

He claims that touch is the most important thing for prosthetics, because touch can tell you whether an object is hot or cool, taut or relaxed, and can help you lock the position of the object. Scientists can use BCI to connect the brain's tactile functional areas and listen to or send nerve signals.

Green explains how scientists use EEG scanners to understand how the brain sends command signals to perform tasks. The brain's discharge mode is capable of writing neural coded signals, each with a different coding mode. What researchers need to do is transform these signals into a language that can be written into a computer to perform manipulation of the limbs.

Green added: "We have seen this technology before, but recently the development of artificial nerves has enabled tactile signals to be fed back to the brain. Artificial neural systems will be equipped with sensors for detecting fingertip pressure and vibration, and Can help the user detect the target texture and determine the required grip."

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