
Chang 'e-4 and yutu 2 successfully completed each other's shooting, and chang 'e-4 mission was successful

On January 11th, the lander (right) and the inspector photographed on the large screen of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center.

On January 11th, the No. 4 lander and the Yutu No. 2 patrol were working normally. Under the support of the “Baoqiao” relay star, the mutual shooting was successfully completed. The ground receiving image was clear and intact, the Chinese and foreign scientific loads were working normally, and the detection data was effectively transmitted. The scientific experiment project was carried out smoothly and reached the established target of the project, marking the successful completion of the No. 4 mission. At this point, China’s lunar exploration project has achieved “five wars and five shortcuts”.

On January 11th, the lander (right) and the inspector photographed on the large screen of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center.

The scientific researcher carried out the path planning of the patrol device according to the terrain information around the landing photographed by the navigation camera, and sent the camera remote control command through the "Bridge Bridge" relay star. The patrol panoramic camera images the lander and the lander topography camera images the patrol.

On January 11th, at the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, researchers were working intensely.

After receiving and processing the ground data, at 16:47, the image of the lander and the patrol was displayed on the large screen of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center. The image clearly shows the landform of the lunar back around the lander and the patrol, and the five-star red flag on the two devices is particularly eye-catching.

This is the image of the Yulu No. 2 patrol camera on the No. 4 lander terrain map camera.

Since the 4th probe successfully landed on the back of the lunar area on January 3, it has completed tasks such as relay star link connection, payload start-up, two-unit separation, patrol moon-day dormancy and wake-up, and two-way mutual shooting. After the successful completion of the engineering task, the No. 4 mission will be transferred to the scientific exploration stage, and the lander and the patrol will continue to conduct in-position detection and lunar patrol detection.

This is the Yutu No. 2 patrol camera panoramic camera for the No. 4 lander imaging.

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