
The world's smallest computer was born: only 0.3 mm in size, smaller than rice grains

The computer manufactured by the University of Michigan is only 0.3 millimeters long and is smaller than a grain of rice.

British media said that the University of Michigan defeated International Business Machines (IBM) in terms of micro-computing, which produced the world's smallest computer with a length of 0.3 mm, which is smaller than a grain of rice.

The British "Daily Mail" website reported on June 22, however, both IBM and the University of Michigan are not sure if their equipment really counts as a computer because they lose all program runs and date displays once they lose power.

"We are not sure whether they should be called computers. It is a matter of opinion whether they have the most basic functions they need," said David Bronow, a professor of electrical and computer engineering who led the development of the new system.

At the Think 2018 conference held in March this year, IBM introduced a 1 mm x 1 mm thin-slice computer.

Prior to that, the smallest computer was the 2 x 2 x 4 mm Michigan Micro Mote, which preserved program runs and date displays after a power outage.

The latest equipment at the University of Michigan is only one tenth the size of an IBM computer because it is too small to install conventional radio antennas.

It relies on visible light to send and receive data. The base station provides light to generate electricity and run programs, from which it receives data.

"We have to come up with new ways to design the circuit so that it is also low in power consumption but is light-resistant," Bloon said.

Light from the base station and light from the device's own transmission LED induce current in a small circuit.

This device uses a precision sensor that converts temperature into time intervals defined by electrical pulses.

The computer can sense the temperature of tiny areas, such as cell clusters, and report with an accuracy of within 0.1 degrees Celsius.

The researchers hope that this device can be used to advance research on oncology and evaluate the effectiveness of cancer treatment because the temperature of the tumor may be higher than normal.

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