
Collaborative Intelligence: The Combination of Humans and AI

Both humans and AI have their own advantages, and how companies redesign their business models will be the focus of future development.

Artificial intelligence has been involved in more and more human work, such as disease diagnosis, language conversion and customer service, and the speed of AI improvement is also amazing. Because of this, some people even think that AI will one day Substituting humans has become a major player in the economy.

The result is really like this? Can you avoid it? In fact, the greater impact of AI technology will be to complement and enhance human capabilities, not to replace them.

Many companies have used AI technology in automated processes, but for companies that only use AI to save staff costs, such practices are short-sighted and will not benefit in the long run.

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) conducted a study of 1,500 companies and found that among the companies with the highest performance levels, the work of employees and machines is combined.

That is to say, through the collaborative wisdom of humans and AI, including the leadership, teamwork, creativity and social skills of the former, as well as the corresponding speed, scale expansion and quantitative ability of the latter, the complementary advantages of each other are actively enhanced. It is.

For another example, it is a natural thing for humans to make jokes, but it becomes a tricky problem for machines. For machines, analyzing gigabytes of data is simple, and humans are almost It is impossible to complete.

Now that you know the benefits of human-computer cooperation, how to maximize this advantage becomes the next key point for the company to consider.

Human assisted machine

In this case, humanity will play three decisive roles: training, interpretation and maintenance.

First, they must train the machine to perform certain tasks. Second, explain the results of the task, especially when the results are not intuitive or controversial. Finally, make sure that the machine does not harm humans.

People must let the machine learning algorithm know how to perform the designed work, which requires a lot of test data. In addition, it is important to let the AI ​​system know what is the best form of interaction with humans.

Machine assists humans

In turn, from a machine perspective, its intelligence is helping humans expand their capabilities in three ways.

Specifically, it enhances human cognition; interacts with customers and employees, allowing humans to engage in higher-level work; and acquiring skills to extend human physical mobility.

American computer software company Autodesk's Dreamcatcher AI can provide more imagination for the best designers. GM also cooperates with this company to design a variety of unique and higher-performance auto parts through software.

Another application is from Microsoft's personal virtual assistant Cortana, which can record meetings and send them to participants who are unable to attend.

The virtual assistant Aida used by the Swedish bank SEB is similar. It can establish communication with millions of customers and can detect the tone of the other party. However, in the process of human-computer communication, about 30% of the problems are caused by the machine alone. In this case, Aida will be transferred to the manual service.

In manufacturing, automation equipment is evolving from potentially dangerous and “stupid” industrial machines to intelligent, environmentally sensitive cobots. For example, a cobot arm may handle repetitive actions that require a large amount of weight extraction, and the worker can perform additional tasks that require dexterity or human judgment.

Hyundai used to showcase an exoskeleton robotic device at the auto show that is said to allow workers to work with superhuman endurance and strength.

Redesigning the business

In order to get the most value from AI, companies need to redesign the process. To do this, companies must first identify areas of operation that can be improved.

Next, companies need to develop new solutions in the form of joint creation, the most important thing is to let shareholders know how to cooperate with the AI ​​system to improve operational efficiency. The third step of the company is to expand this scale and maintain a viable solution.

According to the analysis of HBR, there are five main aspects of the company's business processes that need to be improved: flexibility, speed, scale, decision making and personalization. This means that when redesigning a process, consider which one is the core transformation goal, how to use intelligent collaboration to solve the problem, and how to coordinate with other process characteristics changes.

The last point to make is that reimagining a business process involves not only the realization of AI technology, but also the commitment to ensure the development of personnel's “integration skills” so that they can cooperate in human-machine cooperation. Work effectively.

Human-computer interaction requires humans to use different new methods, and at the same time, make new ideas. However, at present, only a very small number of companies have begun to redesign their business processes in order to optimize human-machine cooperation.

But one thing is clear. Organizations that use AI technology only to replace employees will eventually miss most of the benefits they bring. Those who can become industry leaders will be those who know how to apply and transform AI technology. A company with the same level of importance as employees and machines.

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