
The world's largest motor home, using solar and wind power to generate all the facilities

Many people like to travel, and they all like to travel by car. If there is a RV, then it would be better, even the money for accommodation can be saved. Recently, a company has launched a supercar scarbane, which has been paid attention to by many rich people around the world.

The car is uniquely designed to generate electricity from solar and wind energy because it is designed to be low-carbon and green. At the bottom of the car is an electric turntable that is designed to track the sun. There is a solar panel on the roof. There is also a parabolic receiver and a spherical window that absorbs more sunlight. So many energy harvesting devices not only provide the power of the car, but also provide lighting and power.

It was built using a 7.8-meter-long towed car, with two bedrooms and some other facilities unfolded on one side, and an outdoor deck on the other side. There is also a longitudinal axis wind turbine that can be telescoped. When there is no sun, there is wind power. Compared with many times, wind power is more regulated than solar power.

On one corner of the car, there is also a simple bar, next to the mini kitchen and dining table, and a variety of facilities, such as dishwashers, microwaves, refrigerators, bathrooms, washing machines, toilets and more. And it doesn't feel crowded at all, it's very suitable for short-term travel, is there something moving? But this car can't be afforded by ordinary people, and it can only be thought of.

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