
If you are sleepy, the drone will automatically pour coffee.

Your next barista may be a drone.

It is reported that IBM has applied for a patent for an unmanned aerial vehicle that can automatically fly over a cup of coffee before the needs of corporate employees or cafe customers.

The drone will use sensors to detect if someone wants to drink coffee, based on a specific gesture or "predicted cognitive state." Subsequently, the unmanned person flies over the demander and delivers the coffee through a beverage holder (such as a plastic bag) attached to the device. In one example, the drone can pour coffee directly into someone's mug.

The patent also describes how drones can assess whether they need a cup of coffee based on a person's "cognitive state." The document states: "Evaluation and prediction are based on any of the following characteristics: sleep quality, electronic calendar, biometrics, blood pressure, pupil dilation, facial expression analysis, wake-up time, and gesture analysis."

These features can be detected by some wearable devices or personal electronic calendars. The drone will also connect to the server at the same time to know the next destination.

In addition, the system can even predict when and where users will need a cup of coffee based on their coffee consumption habits. The patent explains: “Coffee consumption tends to be habitual or ritual, and many people start a new day with a cup of coffee, and then drink it during morning breaks or after-meal activities.”

"Over time, the system will learn how and when someone tends to consume coffee, and after recording it, [adjust the personalization settings for someone or place based on the level of confidence."

Of course, this drone can also meet the user's preferences, or in other words, it can also provide milk coffee or filter coffee.

Interestingly, this patent also describes other uses for biometric sensors. If a person gets drunk and is identified by unusual movements or ambiguous language, the drone will cancel the order for another cup.

It is worth mentioning that IBM has also been exploring other drone technologies, such as the series of drones that can transmit packages in the air.

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