
Information flow advertising brings privacy concerns, how media can rebuild trust through advertising technology innovation

Since Facebook launched its first information flow advertisement in 2006, in the past 12 years, information flow advertising has revolutionized the original advertising ecosystem and the digital advertising media market. However, after the sweet period, the proliferation of false information and the leakage of user privacy caused by information flow advertisements have increasingly plunged the platform into a crisis of trust.

In 2006, Facebook took the lead in testing water flow advertising

In response to the above problems, the European Union introduced the "General Data Protection Regulations" (GDPR) on May 25 this year to protect the data security of EU residents; California has also issued relevant consumer bills to protect user privacy. At the same time, many media are also trying to cope with the negative impact of information flow advertising on their homepage, and actively deal with fraud and user information leakage caused by information flow advertising. At this year's Srccon summit, the Washington Post shared how it has rectified information flow advertising through ad technology revolutions. In this issue, the whole media (ID: quanmeipai) edited the contents of the "Washington Post" to see how technology is good.

The hidden data behind the 100 billion advertising market

At present, the information flow advertising market is in a period of rapid development and maturity of application. The global market has reached a level of 100 billion, and will continue to grow at a rate of more than 50% every year. Data, technology-driven, accurate, effective, personalized content distribution, is the most prominent feature of information flow advertising is different from traditional native advertising. This feature also makes information flow advertising on the customer conversion rate, and is popular with advertisers.

Sino-US information flow advertising market AMC model comparison data source: Analysys easy view

User data is the core support of information flow advertising, but how to apply, manage and manage data in a professional, transparent and healthy way has become a difficult problem. US media consultancy Tune and Forrester Consulting surveyed 300 US mobile marketers in January and found that more than one-third of organizations view data quality as the biggest challenge facing digital advertising today. In Adestra and Ascend2's survey of 154 marketers, nearly half of the respondents said that data management is one of the most difficult tasks at present, which is reflected in the difficulty of staff monitoring the data flow. It is difficult to control the quality of the data. According to eMarketer, advertising marketers will invest more in mobile data management this year, and mobile advertising spending is expected to exceed TV advertising spending, accounting for 70% of all digital advertising spending.

Traditional media seeks advertising technology transformation

The Washington Post hopes to establish a media-led advertising process. Traditional dynamic display advertising is a "server-server" process with control over the technology backend rather than the media front end. The Washington Post hopes to collaborate with other media to interact with digital inventory and tools to create a rendering system that loads ads on the front end of the media.

In order to achieve this goal, we first need to design a common language across the server platform, so that different media staff can structure the data in the advertising content system, deconstruct and reconstruct the advertising services that need to be shared...... Under this scenario, the cooperative media will achieve cross-platform flexible application and supervision of advertising content.

Responsible for the design of the system is the Washington Post's RED team, which gathers professional members from different departments such as CMS architecture, advertising operations, and marketing. The core of the work is the structure of the advertising object, including the data designed to describe the creative advertising object, the advertisement positioning template, the advertising outer chain and the server outer chain identifier, the metadata of the filtering advertisement, and the content component of the design advertising display position. Wait.

Digital advertising future with content reverse drive technology

Up to now, the "Washington Post" has completed the construction of a cross-platform information flow advertising management system from a technical level, but this system still needs to be combined with the actual advertising content, advertising forms, and the media content of the display page. Optimized and improved.

First of all, this system has not taken into account emerging advertising formats such as panoramic advertising, AR advertising, and VR advertising. Secondly, the current system is still unable to realize the relevance identification of the advertising content and the media content from the front end. For example, when an editor realizes that an advertisement content is inappropriate for appearing on a web page, the editor should retain the right to close the advertisement. At present, the "Washington Post" is improving the screening efficiency by adding "exclusions" to the system, and the Atlantic Monthly has implemented this function in the internal CMS system, which can effectively prevent advertisements from appearing. On the home page of sensitive content.

In addition, the Washington Post hopes to establish a quantifiable digital content management system in the future, using 1-10 to represent media content at different security levels, 1 indicating that no ads are allowed on the content home page, and 10 indicating It's safe to show any ads on this content page. This system will be mainly used in the programmatic advertising positioning.

The system set up by the Washington Post is still in internal debugging and small-scale trials. The team said that it will actively communicate and communicate with other media partners during this year to promote the improvement and iteration of the system. The official version of the digital ad management system is expected to be available in early 2019, when media will be able to use the new CMS system to handle advertising on the site. At the same time, they will also develop a series of automated tools that are closely related to information flow advertising and user data management.

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