
Alibaba announced the establishment of Flat top Semiconductor Co., Ltd. to issue chips in April next year

At the Yunqi Conference held on September 19th, Alibaba announced the establishment of Flat Top Semiconductor Co., Ltd. According to reports, Flat top Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is a combination of Midsky micro and Dharma's chip team.

The data shows that the current Dharma chip team is close to 100 people, most of whom have experience in chip manufacturers such as AMD, ARM, NVIDIA and Intel. Coupled with the recent acquisition of Zhongtianwei, it is estimated that the number of new companies will reach 200 to 300. In the future, Flat top Semiconductor will build a smart network chip platform for many industries such as automotive, home appliances, and industrial.

Like the Dharma courtyard, Flat top aims to be ultimately independent. In the early stage, Alibaba Group gave enough investment and support, and after several years of operation, it became profitable and eventually grew into a self-financing company.

Alibaba CTO Zhang Jianfeng said that he hopes that this company will learn the spirit of Flat top "not afraid" and continue to carry forward the burden. Through the self-developed powerful technology platform and ecosystem integration capability, the industrialization of domestic independent chips will be promoted.

Alibaba's chip strategy is "cloud integration", self-developed and ecological cooperation. The independent chip company mainly developed artificial intelligence chips and embedded chips in the early stage, and the long-term goal is to achieve self-financing. The origin of the name "Flat top", like the "Dharma courtyard", is decided by Ma Yun, which is derived from Ma Yun's recent trip to Africa. “Flat top” is another name for candied fruit. The honey pot is the only animal under the genus Capillaris. It is inhabited by tropical rain forests and open grasslands. It is called “the most fearless animal in the world”.

According to reports, next April, Alibaba will release the first neural network chip.

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