
Why is Jack Ma doing charity?

A few days ago, the retirement of Jack Ma was a sensation in the global business circle. Jack Ma said that after retirement, he will put more energy into public welfare and education.

So when it comes to charity, you have to talk about Jack Ma's old friend Bill Gates. Jack Ma said: I learned a lot from Bill Gates, and it is likely to follow Bill Gates to set up his own foundation.

For Jack Ma's move, Gates said, "I haven't talked to Jack Ma about this decision personally, but I look forward to having the opportunity to talk to him because I believe that he will have a lot of gains as he joins in charity. I will understand the philanthropy in the Chinese context. I hope he can bring the new thinking and new energy that has created Alibaba to charity."

Gates strongly praised the success of Ant Financial in the digital field. "Ant Jinfu has sufficient experience in digitizing the currency and reducing transaction costs. The Gates Foundation has been paying attention to inclusive finance and has also cooperated with Ant Financial. Promote digital currency to places like India."

Still more netizens said: Why Ma Yun is going to be charity, it is to learn Bill Gates!

Regarding Bill Gates, I believe that everyone is familiar with it. Someone asked Bill Gates before, why not want to run for the president, and Bill Gates’ answer is that he is more willing to do charity because he likes it because there are too many people in the world. Their help.

In January 2000, Bill Gates announced his retirement as CEO of Microsoft and established the "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" with his wife Melinda Gates. Since its inception, the foundation has donated With approximately $36 billion, it is the world's largest private charitable foundation.

At the same time, Bill Gates also encouraged young American entrepreneurs to be like him, such as Zuckerberg. Under Bill Gates's rendering, a foundation called "ChanZuckerberg" in the name of her own and her wife's surname will be established to promote equality and children's rights, and to create a better world for her daughter. Facebook official said that Zuckerberg’s donation is independent of the company, and Zuckerbock is still the actual controller of Facebook in the foreseeable future.

At the same time, Bill Gates and Jack Ma have one thing in common, that is, they are very concerned about young people, and the so-called young people are the hope of the future.

Bill and Melinda Gates are optimistic about the current growing population of young people who believe they are the new force driving progress. Investing in the health and education of young Africans will unlock productivity and innovation potential and bring about the “third wave of poverty reduction” following China and India.

Jack Ma is speaking in many places around the world, encouraging young people to learn to innovate, because the future world will be an innovative world for young people, and also use Alibaba's resources to serve young people.

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