
The rise of the robotic customer service era is just around the corner, Google announced the acquisition of AI customer service startup Onward

According to the latest news, Google has acquired Onward, a customer service automation startup, in recent days. The acquisition amount has not been disclosed. Onward co-founders Remi Cossart and Pramod Thammaiah will join the Google team.

The Onward team publicly stated on the company's website: "Our first vision of Onward was to enable smart customer service to interact more naturally with people. By working with Google, we can demand more and more technology for Onward. Support. From the beginning, we were excited about these core technologies, and we are very happy to bring these technologies to Google."

Onward's enterprise intelligence customer service platform can extract information from customer messages through natural language processing technology, and use the geographic location, login status and historical scheduling information to make personalized responses.

The platform is able to make answers to customers through decision trees, making the service process more human. The platform also integrates with Zendesk, Help Scout, Salesforce, Hubspot, Shopify, Spree and Solidus to enable its intelligent customer service to automatically track conversations, add potential customers, and keep a close eye on customers' shopping on these platforms. .

Before Onward's smart customer service debuted, it also launched the Shopping Assistant Agent Q. The software provides product recommendations for people based on customer ratings on the platform. Among them, the artificial agent system and the data summary system will collect the commodity evaluation and commodity prices from various platforms to support the Agent Q service, so Onward regards it as a magic combination of consumer reports.

A few months before the acquisition, Google just unveiled Contact Center AI Virtual Customer Service, a smart customer service system based on machine learning technology that interacts with users over the telephone network. The system is capable of extracting information from customers' voice content and helping customers solve common problems through efficient natural language processing technology. If the virtual customer service can't solve the customer's problem, it will transfer the call to the manual customer service and provide the customer's all the information for the manual customer service. Google refers to this function as “agent assistance”.

Driven by the high-profile deployment of Contact Center AI, eBay's ShopBot and other intelligent customer service services, the global virtual guest market is expected to exceed $1.34 billion by 2024.

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