
These five computer vision technologies refresh your worldview(2)

2--target detection

The task of defining a target in an image typically involves the bounding box of a single target and the output of the tag. This differs from the classification/positioning task in that it applies classification and positioning to many goals, not just a dominant goal. You only have 2 types of target categories, the target bounding box and the non-target bounding box. For example, in car detection, you must use its bounding box to detect all cars in a given image.

If we use sliding window technology in a way that classifies and locates images, we need to apply CNN to many different locations of the image. Because CNN classifies each location as a target or background, we need to apply many locations and different scales in CNN, which is computationally expensive!

To deal with this situation, neural network researchers have proposed using regions instead, where we find "blobby" image regions that may contain targets. This area is relatively fast to run. The first compelling model is R-CNN (region-based convolutional neural network). In R-CNN, we first scan the input image using an algorithm called selective search to find possible targets, generating about 2,000 candidate regions. Then we run CNN on a per-regional box basis. Finally, we take the output of each CNN and input it to the SVM to classify the regions and use linear regression to tighten the bounding box of the target.

Basically, we turned target detection into an image classification problem. However, there are some problems - slow training, a lot of disk space, and slow reasoning.

The direct descendant of R-CNN is the fast R-CNN, which improves the detection speed by 2 enhancements: 1) performs feature extraction before the candidate area, so only runs one CNN on the entire image, and 2) replaces with softmax layer SVM, thus extending the prediction of neural networks, rather than creating a new model.

Fast R-CNN performs better in terms of speed because it trains only one CNN for the entire image. However, the selective search algorithm still takes a lot of time to generate candidate regions.

Therefore, a faster R-CNN was discovered, which is now a canonical model for target detection based on deep learning. The region from the feature is predicted by inserting a region generation network (RPN), which replaces the slow selective search algorithm with a fast neural network. The RPN is used to determine "where" to reduce the computational requirements of the entire inference process. The RPN scans each location quickly and efficiently to assess whether further processing is required in a given area. It does this by outputting k bounding box regions, each with 2 scores, indicating the probability of the target at each location.

Once we have our candidate areas, we will provide them directly to the content that is basically a fast R-CNN. We added a pooling layer, some fully connected layers, and finally a softmax classification layer and bounding box regenerator.

All in all, the faster R-CNN achieves better speed and higher accuracy. It's worth noting that although future models do a lot of work to improve detection speed, few models can surpass faster R-CNNs with higher advantages. In other words, a faster R-CNN may not be the easiest or fastest way to detect a target, but it is still one of the best performing methods.

The main target detection trend in recent years has turned to faster, more efficient detection systems. This is seen in methods such as You Only Look Once (YOLO), Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) and Region-based Complete Convolutional Network (R-FCN) as a way to share calculations across the entire image. Therefore, these methods distinguish themselves from the expensive subnets associated with the three R-CNN technologies. The main reason behind these trends is to avoid having separate algorithms focus on their sub-problems in isolation, as this usually increases training time and reduces network accuracy.

to be continued 


These five computer vision technologies refresh your worldview(1)

Computer vision is one of the most popular research areas in the field of deep learning. It is located at the intersection of many academic subjects, such as computer science (graphics, algorithms, theory, systems, architecture), mathematics (information retrieval, machine learning), engineering (robotics, speech, natural language processing, image processing), Physics (optics), biology (neuroscience) and psychology (cognitive science). Since computer vision represents a relative understanding of the visual environment and its context, many scientists believe that the field paves the way for artificial intelligence because of its cross-domain mastery.

So what is computer vision? Here are some official textbook definitions:

“Building clear, meaningful physical object descriptions from images” (Ballard & Brown, 1982)

"Calculating the properties of a 3D world from one or more digital images" (Trucco & Verri, 1998)

“Make useful decisions about real objects and scenes based on perceived images” (Sockman & Shapiro, 2001)

Why study computer vision? The most obvious answer is a collection of rapidly growing useful applications derived from this area of ​​research. Here is a small part of it:

Face Recognition: Snapchat and Facebook use the Face Detection algorithm to apply a convolution kernel and identify you in the image.

Image Retrieval: Google Images uses content-based queries to search for related images. The algorithm analyzes the content in the query image and returns the result based on the best match.

Game and Control: Microsoft Kinect is a great commercial product in a game that uses stereo vision.

Surveillance: Surveillance cameras are ubiquitous in public places and are used to detect suspicious behavior.

Biometrics: Fingerprint, iris and face matching are still some of the common methods used in biometrics.

Smart cars: Vision is still the primary source of information for detecting traffic signs and lights and other visual features.

I recently completed Stanford University's exciting CS231n course on visual recognition using convolutional neural networks. Visual recognition tasks such as image classification, location and detection are key components of computer vision. Recent developments in neural networks and deep learning methods have greatly improved the performance of these state of the art visual recognition systems. This course is an extraordinary resource that teaches me the details of using a deep learning architecture in top computer vision research. In this article, I want to share the five main computer vision techniques I have learned, as well as the main deep learning models and applications that use each technology.

1--image classification

The problem with image classification is this: Given a set of images of a single category of annotations, we are required to predict these categories for a new set of test sets and test the accuracy of the predictions. There are many challenges with this task, including viewpoint changes, scale changes, intra-class changes, image distortion, image occlusion, conditions, and cluttered backgrounds.

How do we write an algorithm that can divide images into different categories? Computer vision researchers have proposed a data-driven approach to solve this problem. Instead of trying to specify each image category of interest directly in the code, they provide the computer with many samples of each image class, then develop learning algorithms, view the samples and understand the visual appearance of each class. In other words, they first collect a training set with an annotated image and then pass it to the computer to process the data.

Given this fact, the entire image classification process can be formalized as follows:

Our input is a training set that includes N images, each of which is labeled with K different categories.

Then, we use this training set to train the classifier to understand what each category looks like.

Finally, we evaluate the effect of the classifier by having this classifier predict a new set of images that it has not seen before. We then compare the real labels of these images with those predicted by the classifier.

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most popular architecture for image classification. A typical use case for CNNs is that you pass this network image, and then the network classifies the data. CNNs often start with the input "scanner" and it is not intended to parse all training data at once. For example, to enter a 100 x 100 pixel image, you don't need a layer with 10,000 nodes. Instead, you'll create a 10×10 scan input layer that you can provide for the first 10×10 pixels of the image. After this input, the next 10 × 10 pixels can be input by moving the scanner one pixel to the right. This technique is called a sliding window.

The input data is then fed through the convolutional layer instead of the normal layer. Each node only focuses on the part that is adjacent to itself. These convolutional layers tend to shrink as the network deepens, mainly through the easy decomposition of input. In addition to convolutional layers, they usually have a feature pooling layer. Pooling is a way to filter details: the common pooling technique is maximum pooling, we use 2 x 2 pixels and pass the pixels with the largest amount of specific properties.

At present, most image classification techniques are trained on ImageNet, which is a data set of about 1.2 million high-resolution training images. The test image does not display the initial comment (no split or label), and the algorithm must generate a label that specifies the object that exists in the image. The leading computer vision teams at Oxford, INRIA, XRCE and others use the best computer vision methods available for this data set. Often, computer vision systems are complex, multi-level systems that often require manual tuning to optimize parameters at an early stage.

The winner of the first ImageNet competition Alex Krizhevsky (NIPS 2012) The deep convolutional neural network pioneered by Yann LeCun. Its structure includes 7 hidden layers, excluding some of the largest pooling layers. The first 5 layers are convolutional layers and the last 2 layers are fully connected layers. The activation function for each hidden layer is ReLU. These trainings are faster and more expressive than logic units. In addition, when similar units have stronger activation values, it also uses competitive normalization to suppress hidden activity. This contributes to changes in strength.

In terms of hardware requirements, Alex used a very efficient convolutional network implementation on two Nvidia GTX 580 GPUs (more than 1000 fast small cores). The GPU is well suited for matrix matrix multiplication and has a very high memory bandwidth. This allowed him to train the network within a week and quickly combine the results of 10 patches during the test. If we can communicate state quickly enough, we can spread the network across multiple cores. As cores become cheaper and data sets grow larger, large neural networks will improve faster than older computer vision systems. Since AlexNet, a number of new models have used CNN as their backbone architecture and have achieved outstanding results in ImageNet: ZFNet (2013), GoogLeNet (2014), VGGNet (2014), ResNet (2015), DenseNet (2016) )Wait.

to be continued 

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[electronic] infrared sound

The basic principle of the production is that the sound causes infrared (laser) vibration, and then the laser is applied to the infrared receiving diode of the receiving circuit to receive the vibration signal, and the signal is demodulated to achieve sound reduction.

The popular way is to use the sound to make the infrared (laser) shine and extinguish, then the light is received on the infrared receiving diode of the receiving circuit, detecting whether the infrared (laser) is on or off, the light is on, and the power is off when not lit.
Use the IC (LM386) to amplify this signal and push the speaker to sound.

The circuit diagram is as follows:

Transmitter circuit diagram:

Receiver circuit diagram is as follows:

The possibility of soldering is different from that in the circuit diagram. It is just that I added the LED indicator.

The following is a finished drawing of my welding transmitter:

The following is the finished circuit of the receiving end:


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The "high-voltage line" of scientific ethics is not to be touched

The birth of the genetically edited baby shocked the scientific community. 122 scientists jointly condemned, saying that "this technology can be done long ago". The reason for not doing it is huge risks and ethical issues. Due to prudence, the academic conventions require only short-term trials of human embryos that are about to be destroyed. The study by Associate Professor He Jiankui, like a traffic jam, is advancing at full speed in the empty emergency lane alone.

Has the "forbidden" test achieved the results of the publisher's comments? What is the scientific significance? It is not clear, but there are two points that can be determined: First, scientists and approvers disclose too little information to prove that their actions are responsible; second, scientific exploration cannot skip rules and approvals.

First, a technology enters the human trial phase and is quite mature. After attending an academic ethics meeting in early February 2017, He Jiankui published a report on "Safety of Human Embryo Gene Editing", pointing out five safety issues. The author summarizes: How to verify whether human embryos are abnormal after genetic editing? How to develop a reliable quality control process to reduce off-target? How to reduce the occurrence of chimeras? Will the reagent poison the embryo? How to determine the effects after multiple generations?

He Jiankui pointed out: "Before these important security issues are not resolved, any human behavior that performs editing of the germ cell line or making genetic editing is extremely irresponsible."

What is the test evidence that He Jiankui believes that these important security issues have been resolved? We did not see relevant information on the ethical application passed in March 2017. This publicly available material mentions pre-tests on model organisms such as monkeys, but does not specify test results. There are also no related papers published.

The author believes that the testers should publish the preliminary test information as soon as possible to show everyone that they are holding the responsible area to the forbidden zone. The reviewers who approve the application should also publicly approve the reasons for their approval to perform their duties, not to go through the game.

In addition, although many patients with genetic diseases are counting on new technologies to be afflicted, it is a rash to explore beyond the rules of the scientists, which may delay the scientific cause.

An example is 1999, when 18-year-old congenital OTC deficiency patient Jesse Kissinger died in a clinical trial of gene therapy at the University of Pennsylvania, and was the only one of the 18 testers who died – the tester thought it was harmless. The adenovirus triggers a vigorous immune response in Kissinger's body. It was later discovered that it was the trial host, not the clinician, who recruited Kissinger, which was a violation of the protocol (because the trial host might persuade the patient to participate).

Although Kissinger said before his death that the worst result was death, the relevant scientists still suffered major setbacks in their careers; the relevant institutions were closed; the University of Pennsylvania made huge indemnities; the media reported that the public was blindly optimistic about gene therapy. In order to avoid it, it is difficult to recruit volunteers for gene therapy.

A genetically edited baby test that may not cross the ethical threshold is also a source of doubt: if the child's health is impaired, the genetic editing technique will also encounter twists and turns, and it is not enough to mortgage the scientist's personal reputation. This is why many scientists protested the test.

Today, we only hope that the twins will grow up healthily, and hope that scientists will use the compliance test to transform gene editing technology as soon as possible, benefiting many patients suffering from genetic diseases. Science is a gradual career, not gambling.

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Why is it easy to "brain freeze" when eating ice cream too fast?

Why is there a "brain freeze"?

Goldberg said that the brain freezes, also known as "ice cream headaches", is a "cold irritating headache" in medical terms. This common phenomenon affects people of all ages, but doctors are not fully aware of why this happens.

For this type of headache, the main cause is exposure to markedly cold temperatures, which are not only triggered internally, for example: swallowing frozen food too quickly, it can also be caused by external factors, such as: in the cold Don't wear a hat to go out in the weather, or suddenly jump into the icy lake.

When exposed to very cold substances - frozen food or cold air, tingling can reach the upper jaw or the back of the throat and stimulate the blood vessels and nerve tissue in these temperature-sensitive areas, which may immediately cause the brain to freeze.

A 2012 study showed that a sudden increase in blood flow would dilate the anterior cerebral artery, which is a blood vessel located in the middle of the brain behind the eye, which may control the brain to freeze pain. The study found that when the patient's brain stops freezing, the arteries contract and blood flow decreases, which may be the cause of the pain disappearing. The researchers said they speculated that an increase in intracranial pressure would lead to an increase in blood volume in the brain.

Another possibility to explain is that the cold sensation stimulates the important nerve tissue of the head and face, the trigeminal nerve. Once the trigeminal nerve is triggered, the blood vessels inside the brain will tighten tightly and then expand rapidly, causing sudden pain.

Stephanie said that when the cold stimulus disappears, the blood vessels will return to normal and the pain will disappear. Although this phenomenon is known as "brain freezing," this short-term head pain does not cause permanent damage and is not life-threatening.


According to a recent article published in the British Medical Journal, head pain can occur rapidly. When exposed to freezing food or exposure to cold temperatures, peak pain is reached within 30-60 seconds, and a strong tingling sensation occurs in the forehead and horn. Pain is gradually relieved after a few seconds to a few minutes. Usually, cold irritations and headaches occur very quickly. In cold weather, the nerves in the mouth and the back of the throat are stimulated in a few seconds.

Exposure of the mouth and nose to cold air stimulates the trigeminal nervous system and transmits this information throughout the head. Stephanie said: "This is why the cold tingling is generated in the head, not the mouth or nose."

Normally, the brain's freezing pain is very strong in the forehead, and then it may gradually spread to the temples and back of the head. Some people may describe this discomfort as a sting or pain, and a migraine patient may interpret it as a kind of agitation or pulsating pain.

Studies have shown that patients with migraine may be more prone to brain freezing. Stephanie said that this is because the trigeminal nerve of migraine patients is very sensitive, and cold stimulation will further activate this nerve pathway.

How to avoid "brain freeze"

The pain of freezing the brain will quickly disappear, so there is no need to treat it, but it is very difficult to avoid it. Of course, people can give up eating frozen food or drinks altogether, but may lose the pleasure of enjoying food.

If you have a tendency to have such a harmless headache, the best precaution is to slow down when eating frozen foods and beverages and keep frozen foods away from the upper jaw.

Some say that once the pain of the brain freezes, slowly drinking warm water may help shorten the symptoms of brain freezing. Others suggest placing the lower part of the tongue on the mouth so that it can warm up the sensitive area.

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The world's first robotic intelligent distribution station is enabled

After the parcel is transported from the logistics storage center to the delivery station, the goods are distributed according to the delivery location on the logistics sorting line. After the distribution is completed, the loading personnel in the station will load the parcel into the delivery robot according to the address, and then distribute it to the consumer by the delivery robot. .

According to the operation plan, the distribution station covers the area around Changsha Science and Technology New Town for the first time. All the stations use JD3.5 generation distribution robots, which not only have autonomous navigation, intelligent obstacle avoidance, traffic light recognition, face recognition and picking ability, each robot You can also distribute 30 packages at a time.

From the point of view of distribution capacity, the distribution station sets up a maximum of 2,000 packages per day, and at the same time cooperates with the traditional logistics distribution methods in the area to provide logistics distribution services for the surrounding 5 kilometers of residents. The proportion of human-machine distribution in the whole region will reach 1: 1.

Yang Jing, general manager of the Automated Driving Center of JD Logistics X Division, said that the world's first intelligent distribution station for distribution robots is of strategic significance for solving the “last mile” distribution problem of urban logistics, not only JD logistics unmanned technology and distribution. The deep integration of the business will also become a typical scene for the future application and promotion of robots in the entire logistics and distribution industry by creating a national intelligent logistics terminal distribution demonstration center.

Up to now, JD distribution robots have been implemented in more than 20 cities across the country. According to Liu Xiangdong, Director of Operation of Automated Driving Center of JD Logistics X Business Unit, while the first intelligent distribution station in Changsha was opened, the JD Logistics Intelligent Distribution Demonstration Base in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia will also be put into trial operation and become JD nationwide. The second intelligent distribution station.

Japanese industry-university joint development AI massage robot

According to a report by Nippon Kyodo News on November 20, Japan’s Toyohashi University of Technology (Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture) announced on the 20th that it will jointly develop a five-finger massage robot controlled by AI with health machine manufacturer Riccoh (Tokyo). The AI will learn the intensity and position of the press and reproduce the craftsmanship of the masseur. In addition to serving the people who are worried about the body's soreness, in order to reduce the burden on the masseur and alleviate the shortage of staff, the use of massage shops is also expected.

The five fingers consist of four fingers for grasping and a thumb for pressing. It can be installed at the top of the slider of the bedside track, and the position of the massage can be determined by the camera.

The robot is said to use the AI to adjust the intensity or read the heart rate, expression and sound, and massage with the user's condition after multiple massages.

The test machine was released on the 20th and demonstrated using a mannequin that was lying on the bed. Riccoh's head of research and development said that he would strive to be practical in 2021, and said that "I hope to reproduce the massage experience of manpower or robot, and create a caring massage machine."

The five fingers consist of four fingers for grasping and a thumb for pressing. It can be installed at the top of the slider of the bedside track, and the position of the massage can be determined by the camera.

The robot is said to use the AI ​​to adjust the intensity or read the heart rate, expression and sound, and massage with the user's condition after multiple massages.

The test machine was released on the 20th and demonstrated using a mannequin that was lying on the bed. Riccoh's head of research and development said that he would strive to be practical in 2021, and said that "I hope to reproduce the massage experience of manpower or robot, and create a caring massage machine."

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The new way of regulating the metabolism of the biological clock reveals

There is a cool clock in the human body - the biological clock. However, the mechanism by which the biological clock regulates physiological activities such as physiology, metabolism, and behavior is very complicated, and further research is needed. The reporter learned from Nanjing Agricultural University on the 15th that the team of Professor Wang Wei and the University of Chicago collaborated on the publication of research results in Cell Communication, revealing a new way of regulating the metabolism of the biological clock.

The biological clock is made of genes and proteins and is a gift of biological evolution. The biological clock controls the rhythm of our daily life: when to sleep peacefully, when to wake up mentally. Long-term circadian clock disorders can lead to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and even cancer. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine awarded three scientists who discovered the world's first clock gene.

N6-methyladenine (m6A) is the most abundant post-transcriptional modification on eukaryotic RNA, and plays an important regulatory role in gene expression, RNA splicing, mRNA trafficking and translation. Dynamic and reversible m6A methylation modifications are widely involved in mammalian development, immunity, tumorigenesis and metastasis, stem cell renewal, and fat differentiation. In this study, the researchers specifically knocked out the mouse liver clock gene Bmal1, found that the mouse liver lipid metabolism is abnormal, the mRNA m6A level is elevated, and the circadian rhythm is lost. Through m6A-seq, the researchers found that the m6A modification of PPARα, an important gene regulating liver lipid metabolism, was elevated, suggesting that Bmal1 affects m6A RNA methylation and regulates the expression of lipid metabolism-related genes to regulate lipid metabolism. Further studies confirmed that m6A RNA methylation modification can affect the stability and longevity of PPARα mRNA through YTHDF2, thereby regulating the transcription and translation of PPARα gene and affecting lipid metabolism. This study reveals a new way of regulating the metabolism of the circadian clock, expanding the understanding of the biological clock, m6A RNA methylation modification and metabolic relationship.

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[Electronics] ZVS various gameplay

Recently I got a computer power supply, try ZVS, and play various games.
Overall picture

Computer power, took 12V14A

Still the original ZVS

Transformer, secondary winding 100 turns, primary 5+5, note method

Click on a 100W incandescent lamp

Induction heating, screwdriver 15 seconds burn red

Silicon steel sheet burned for 5 seconds

Screw 20 seconds burn red

Can also have a fan

Then wireless transmission, distance up to 6cm

Pulling the arc, using 7-cell lithium battery in series, the voltage is 28.8V, the breakdown is about 3CM, and it can be pulled to 7CM.

Burning iron wire, sparks really dazzling

Come to two circuits

As for the capacitor, I use the CBB61 here, more than 100 W, no problem working for a long time.

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[Electronics] DIY Bluetooth Speaker

DIY Bluetooth card audio
First prepare an aluminum shell, I use the sound shell on the picture

Remove all the original audio parts and open the holes! It is difficult to open the hole.

Prepare four speakers, two for diaphragm removal

Open and tear! Remove the paper from the edge of the horn, and then use the knife to cut the middle to take out the diaphragm.

Put the other two speakers into the net cover and solder the wire

It is more difficult to drill the aluminum casing with an electric drill, because the drill is too small.

I finally got it.

The hardest thing to do next, polishing and polishing took me a very long time.
Finally, I want to open another hole, but the small electric drill is broken. Had to rely on polishing.

After grinding, put the diaphragm on, the hot melt adhesive waits!

Next, prepare scissors, paper box and ruler, measure the side of the aluminum shell and draw it on the paper, cut it off.

Mounted on aluminum shell

I found another diaphragm and glued it to another hole. It was also hot melt adhesive and then stuck on the paper.

Then the protagonist appeared, this is what I bought in the online store, the charging board and the booster board are also bought. I just wanted to make it myself, but the postage is too expensive, so I don't do it myself.

When you are not welding, you can use other photos directly.

Then put the decoder board and the boost charging board together in the aluminum case, plug in the battery, and lock the screw.




Charging port and switch

Because there is no habit of doing shooting while doing, I think of it, the process is not complete.
I feel very sorry.

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Robot shopping guide wins over real person shopping guide by nearly 90% of users welcome

To the person that loves shopping, a good guide is bought be like close close small boudoir honey, let a person be like mu chun feng, enjo...